Sunday, September 15, 2019
Homework for Sept. 16 to 20
Dear Parents,
Students in first grade will not be doing their MAP testing this week, only students in the upper grades are scheduled for this. I will be posting Monday's homework by this by this afternoon. Please check back then.
Please click on this link to see this week's lesson plan.
Homework for Sept. 16 Mon.
*There is no Math sheet tonight. Copies will not be ready till tomorrow.
ELA- Study all sight words on the left side of the Dolch Sight Words list (after to know). Students need to be able to say the word they see but they do not need to know how to spell any of the words.
The sheet is in the back panel of their homework folder and should STAY THERE ALWAYS!!!
I also put in their corrected.vocabulary assessment on the words from Stellaluna. Students who got 0, 1, or 2 must go back and study their definitions in their notebooks or on my blog.
Math- Review the four Math Homework sheets I sent home stapled together. Explain any errors. Keep these papers at home to review for quizzes.
Homework for Sept. 17 Tues.
ELA- Study all sight words on the right side of the Dolch Sight Words list (let to when) Students need to be able to say the word they see but they do not need to know how to spell any of the words.
I will be reviewing these in class but wait until Thurs. to give an assessment on these for a grade.
Math sheet- Do BOTH sides for Lesson 6. Follow ALL directions.
***Gym tomorrow again. *A reminder again to parents that students take their pencil cases home every day so they can sharpen all pencils AT HOME and check that markers have not dried up. A few students still need to get a dry erase eraser for their white board!
Homework for Sept. 18 Wed.
*Dear Parent, please send in by tomorrow on a card your child's username and password for Success Maker that he or she used during the summer. the web site is Also please fill in the sheet for Fund Raiser (chocolate boxes to sell) and the sheet about the vision. Both are in your child's folder. Thank you.
Religion- Religion Quiz tomorrow. Study Chapter 1. The test will have ten multiple choice questions on the chapter and include one written response question based on p. 27. STUDY!
Math sheet- Refer to the picture on the back to answer the questions for Lesson 7 Homework sheet.
***Review saying all the words on the Dolch list of words in the back panel of your folder. Many children need much more practice with these words!
Homework for Sept. 19 Thurs.
Math- Do both sides of the Lesson 8 Homework sheet. Follow ALL directions!
ELA- Review again all the Dolch sight words on the list. I will give a brief assessment tomorrow. Keep reviewing !!!!!
***Dress down tomorrow if you wish!
*A word to parents who mentioned they were confused between the vocabulary words and sight words. Vocabulary words are given in each subject. Students are required to know the definition of these words (what the word means). I gave Reading vocabulary for the story Stellaluna.
Sight words are commonly used words all students should recognize. They do NOT need to know how to spell them--only say them. I am reviewing them in class but they extra practice at home so keep reviewing as often as necessary!
Homework for Sept. 20 Fri.
Math- Do both sides of the Lesson 9 Homework sheet. Follow ALL directions.
ELA- Next week there will a Reading Test on Stellaluna. Study the vocabulary definitions in the notebook (or on my previous blog) and practice the Phonics games on the Pearson website. Also think of a sentence that would tell what Stellaluna and the birds could do as friends.
***Review the two corrected Math homework sheets I sent home.
***All corrected Math Exit tickets WILL be stapled together and sent home to review for their first Math quiz at the end of next week.
*** Remember that Monday dismissal is at 12:00 and gym is on Tues. and Wed.