This is a reminder that on Wed. all students should come dressed up for their musical presentation at 10:00 and bring their gym clothes in a bag. Students should also bring in their Progress Report signed as well as their test folder with each test signed inside. On Friday students should again come dressed up for Individual Picture Day. Be sure also students bring in their homework (Math, Grammar, and Social Studies)
Please click on this link if you wish to see this week's lesson plan
Homework for Oct. 16 (Wed.)
Math -Do p. 110 in the workbook. Be sure to follow directions carefully!
ELA- Study the vocabulary in the notebook for Frog and Toad Together. Reread the story Dragons and Giants in the Text Collection on the Pearson website. Think of a different ending for the story where Frog and Toad are acting bravely.
Homework for Oct. 17 (Thurs.)
Math- Do p. 112 in the workbook. Directions state fill in the missing boxes AND find the totals for all.
Social Studies - On loose leaf write a full heading. Answer in complete sentences the two questions on p. 49. Name and Oct. 17, 2019 on first line. O.L.Q. M. and Grade 1 on second line. Social Studies on third line in the middle. Then skip one line after the heading.
****I was very upset to see that a few students did not bother to do ANY of the homework I assigned on Friday even when they had from Friday to Wednesday to complete it. I have had to enter ZERO for all of these assignments and that grade will remain if work is not completed by tomorrow. Some students simply said "I forgot" and that is not acceptable! Completing homework ON TIME is important and WILL affect their over all grade. It is also VERY IMPORTANT that all parents read the blog daily. Some students also need in to bring in their test folder!
Homework for Oct. 18 (Fri.)
Math - Do pp. 116 and 117 in workbook. Part of p. 116 was explained and done in class.
***There will be a Reading Test next week on Frog and Toad Together. Review the vocabulary in the notebook. Reread the story Dragons and Giants in the Text Collection on the Pearson website. Think of a different ending for the story where Frog and Toad are acting bravely.
***There will also be a Math test Thurs. next week. I am sending home corrected exit tickets 18 to 23 so students can begin studying. PLEASE DO NOT LOSE OR THROW AWAY THESE SHEETS!
Also parent please check corrected homework pages--as you can see several students still have trouble following ALL the directions and completing their work.