Dear Parents,
Please remember to send in the test folders on Monday with each test signed. The Religion Quiz on Chapter 5 will be given on Tues. This week students need to answer the questions in the back of THREE of the five books students were assigned to read over the Thanksgiving break. Students will be given till Thurs. to complete this assignment. The titles of these books are: Animals Grow and Change (4 questions), My New Pet (3 questions), and A Very Big Animal (3 questions).
Each should be done on a separate sheet of loose leaf with a full heading and the book title on each.
All responses must be in complete sentences and neatly done.
*Please click on this link if you wish to view this week's lesson plan.
Homework for Dec. 2 (Mon.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 11 and 12.
Religion - Review Chapter 5 for quiz tomorrow.
ELA- Begin working on answering the questions in the back of the three leveled readers named above: Animals Grow and Change, My New Pet, and A Very Big Animal. You can work on one book each night since they will not be collected till Thursday.
***Anyone who did not bring in their test folder, please bring it in tomorrow!
***December calendars were sent home today. Read carefully!
Homework for Dec. 3 (Tues.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 15 and 16. Follow the model in box on top right corner.
ELA- On your next notebook page copy the title and then the words and definitions below:
Vocabulary for A Fine, Fine School
1. strolled- walked slowly
2. announced - told, stated
3. enormous- giant, huge
4. cheer- to shout or yell in excitement
5. worried- nervous, anxious Opposite of worried is calm.
6. office - a workroom
7. synonym- a word with the same meaning
8. antonym - a word with the opposite meaning
***You can now read A Fine, Fine School on the Pearson website. You should also study the definitions above for a brief assessment tomorrow.
***Remember to keep working on answering the questions for the three books assigned yesterday.
Homework for Dec. 4 (Wed.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 19 and 20. Draw a number bond for each.
Social Studies- On loose leaf write a full heading. Answer the three questions on p. 89 in complete sentences.
***Remember to bring in the homework for the leveled readers. All THREE loose leaf sheets are due tomorrow.
Homework for Dec. 5 (Thurs.)
Math - Do workbook pp. 23 and 24. Be sure to follow all directions.
Science- On loose leaf write a full heading. Answer the questions at the bottom of p. B43 in complete sentences. Please notice that there are THREE questions to answer!
Homework for Dec. 6 (Fri.)
***No Math homework tonight!
ELA- Study Voyages pp. 22 to 38 for Grammar Quiz on Tuesday. Be sure you know ALL about conjunctions, prepositions, proper nouns, and common nouns.
Social Studies - Study text book pp. 74 to 81 for Social Studies Quiz on Thursday. Be sure you about goods, services, shelter, salary, needs, wants.