Sunday, December 15, 2019

Homework for Dec. 16 to 20

Dear Parents,
          Hopefully you read my blog on Friday, so as a reminder there will be a Math and Science Quiz this week and possible a Religion quiz as well.  On Monday, I will be putting a new index card in your child's folder (WHICH MUST STAY THERE) with the website, username, and password for the Success Maker program.  I will have the students practice it in school this week and Mr. Woods wants students to also practice it for homework--both Reading and Math.  This program is intended to help students prepare for MAP testing which will begin soon after students return to school after the break.
             Lessons and Carols will be in church on Wed. at 8:30. Students can bring in TWO small Christmas cards to write to someone in the school.  There will be a bake sale on Thurs. in case students wants to buy any treats.  On Thursday also we will be packing and putting away all books so students must bring a strong fabric or plastic bag to pack them up.  On Friday dismissal is at 12:00 and  we will have our pizza party.  Please bring in $4.00 no later than Tuesday.  All students will need to bring in are their own juices.

*Please click here to view this week's lesson plan.

Homework for Dec. 16 (Mon.)
Math-  Review all TEN corrected exit tickets to prepare for the Math test tomorrow.  You may also view corrected homework pages. DO NOT DO LESSON 12 HOMEWORK TONIGHT---JUST STUDY FOR THE TEST!
Science-  Review Science notes stapled in notebook.
***Please bring in $4.00 for pizza party.
***Try out the Success Maker program at home to see that all goes well!

*****Today I went to put the card for Success Maker in each child's folder and lo and behold students told me their folder was at home. I also noticed that the other card from Pearson was missing!!!  I explained that it was VERY  IMPORTANT that these cards remain in their folders at all times!!!
When we start using the computer room this week, these students will not be ready.  If you have the information elsewhere, then you need to make another card for them.  I am holding the Success Maker card for those who did not have their folder.

Homework for Dec. 17  (Tues.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 47 and 48.  Follow directions.
Religion-  On p. 91 write a complete sentence for each of the two pictures describing what is happening.
*Please bring a fabric or strong plastic bag to pack up books. Please bring in $4.00 for pizza party if you have not done so.
*Tomorrow there are no morning prayers. Students will be picked up in the lunch room.   Lessons and Carols will start at 8:30.  All students must be dressed up in Christmas colors: green, red, white-- NO JEANS OR SNEAKERS!

Homework for Dec. 18 (Wed.)
Math - Do workbook pp. 53 and 54.  READ and follow ALL directions.
Social Studies- On the blank paper make a picture graph like the one on the bottom of p. 99.  Copy the same title and use the same symbol but list three DIFFERENT jobs you do at home.

Religion-  Study Religion notes on Advent  in you notebook for quiz tomorrow.

***You may bring money for the bake sale if you wish tomorrow.

Homework for Dec. 19 (Thurs.)
Math -  Do workbook pp. 57 and 58.  Follow ALL directions.
*** Bring Math book tomorrow and your book bag. Bring in at least three small juices for yourself.  You may bring a  Christmas treat to share---only if you wish, not necessary.  Please remember that dismissal is at 12:00 and there is NO after school session on Friday.
***You may dress up in Christmas colors!

Homework for CHRISTMAS VACATION (Fri.)

****IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PARENTS:  It is necessary that every student do at least one hour in Reading and one hour in Math EACH week in the Success Maker program during the Christmas vacation.  It is best to do each in 20 minute sessions: that is Reading  three times a week and Math three times a week.  I have access to see what students are doing. The program will let me know how long they spend, how many questions they answer correctly. and even if they are rushing through or taking too long.  If students receive too much help, the program will keep offering them more difficult or challenging questions they will not be able to do by themselves, so please monitor them but don't help!
       Students are also expected to read the five books on Pearson and respond to the questions on loose leaf from the three I assigned. The FIVE new books to be read on the Pearson website are:   At School,  My School,  Off to School We Go,  Let's Be Fair,  and It's Time to Get in Line.  Students should answer the questions ONLY for the last three books which are Off to School We Go,  Let's Be Fair,  and It's Time to Get in Line. The loose leaf sheets are in their folder.

 Please remember that students will be taking the MAP test on the computer soon after their return so this review is NECESSARY!  EACH child has received the card with website, username, and password and all has been checked to make sure it works!
         Please check the blog during the Christmas vacation in case I must send you any important notices.