Dear Parents, This Wed. students are having their End of Module 1 Math test. Study guide was posted on google classroom on Nov. 12 for early review and will be posted again on this Tuesday's homework. This Thursday report cards are scheduled to be given out and on Friday students have 12:00 dismissal so that Parent-Teacher Conferences can be held from 1:00 to 6:00 pm. Below is the schedule that has been set up which includes everyone.
1:00-Eric Baez 1:15- Madelyn Vasquez 1:30 Sofia Bogado 1:45-Zoe Suarez 2:00-Ally Hernandez 2:15- Enrique Melo 2:30- Rylan Martinez 2:45-Jeriel Almonte** 3:00-Leo Ramos** 3:15-Mariel Ramos** 3:30-Aiden Peralta 3:45- Denise Abreu** 4:00- Logan Vasquez 4:15- Liam Marrero 4:30-Abigail Sanchez** 4:45- Skylar Rivera 5:00-Constance Clemons 5:15-Andrew Amankwah 5:30-Alejandro Chavez 5:45-Mattias Manon
I had to assign a spot for the five parents who have not as yet responded. I marked these students with **. Please let me know if it is not possible for you to see me at that time.