Dear Parents,
Please make sure that you check Friday's homework assignment on google classroom in which I explained the FIVE leveled readers that all students are required to read at home before Feb. 28th. Six students only were assigned to read FIVE chapters from the decodable reader. Starting this Thursday I will begin choosing students to read aloud to the class and be given a grade for their oral reading. We will also be working on additional reading comprehension exercises.
This week we will be finishing Unit 2 in Reading so this involves taking the Selection Test, as well as a Performance-Based Writing Test, and a Unit 2 Reading Comprehension Test. Please check daily homework assignments for Study Guides for each of these. There will also be a Religion Quiz on Wed. on Chapter 15. This Thursday is National Tortilla Chip Day and this Friday is National Pistachio Day. Remember that we have gym on Friday.
Please make sure that students come to school prepared with three sharpened pencils with erasers each day. Several students have been coming in unprepared for class.