Dear Parents,
Starting this Tues., dismissal for all students will be at 2:45 every day. Title 1 classes will continue but will dismiss at 4:30. This week we are celebrating Mass on Ash Wednesday at 10:00. Everyone will be receiving ashes to mark the beginning of the Lenten season. After Mass, honors will be distributed to those students indicated on their quarter 2 report cards. Students have dress down day on Thursday. On Friday we will have Stations of the Cross at 2:15 (Parents are invited.)
This week students will have a Science test on Tues., Math Mid Module 4 Test on Wed., and Reading Test on Arbor Day Square on Thurs. Students will also resume studying their listed sight words for weekly Spelling quizzes starting this week. In Religion students should be reviewing Chapter 15. In Science we are beginning the next section "Light in Action" and in Social Studies they will be learning about our US symbols.
After this week the weekly lesson plan link I usually post will no longer be available. Instead parents may refer here to this blog for an overview of what is going to covered each week. Parents should continue to refer to google classroom for daily assignments.