Monday, May 25, 2009

Third Grade 5/26 - 5/29

Social Studies

Know definition for the following:
geography, hemisphere, coast, equator, environment, technology, artifact, mission, compromise,
telegraph, capitol, citizen, ambassador, peninsula, encyclopedia

Know leaders of our government: country:president state:governor city:mayor

Be able to identify: Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights

Know the identity of the following:
John Smith, Pocahontas, G. Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, James Madison,
Abraham Lincoln, Martin L. King , Alexander G Bell, Wright Brothers

Review information about the English Channel Tunnel, Tom Thumb, Ellis Island,Oregon Trail,
American Revolution, Civil War.

Students should think about the kinds of servies local governments provide such as education,
recreation, safety, and public transportation.


Know definitions of the following:
savior,trinity, disciple, apostle, faith, gospel, sermon (homily), parable, miracle, stewardship,
communion of saints, grace, Sabbath, Presider's Chair, sacristy, sacred vessels, vestments,
temple, scripture, sacrament

Be able to identify the following:
Advent, Lent, Pentecost, Eucharist, Resurrection, Ascension, Assumption, Incarnation,
Kingdom of God, Annunciation, Crucifixion, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Sanctus, Sign of Peace,
Prayer of the Faithful (intercessions)

Know the difference between: Holy Family and Blessed Trinity; Liturgy of the Word and
Liturgy of the Eucharist; religious person and lay person; Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism,
Eucharist, Confirmation) and Sacraments of Healing (Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick)

Remember the folowing: Jesus means God saves and deacon means one who serves.
God is creator. Holy Spirit is helper. Joseph is foster father of Jesus. Mary is Mother of
the Church. Peter is head of the church and first pope. Elizabeth is Mary's cousin.
Pope is Bishop of Rome and leader of whole Catholic Church. Bishop is leader of diocese.
Pastor is leader of parish. Priests and deacons are ordained ministers. Lay persons are
baptized members of the church but not ordained.

Memorize the following prayers:
Prayers to the Trinity: Sign of the Cross and Glory to the Father
Prayer of forgiveness: Act of Contrition
Prayer of faith: Apostles' Creed
Sanctus: prayer said at Mass: Holy, holy, holy ...

Know each of the ten commandments and what each means.
Know names of the seven sacraments and what happens in each.

Review what happens in the the following parables:
The Good Samaritan The Prodigal Son (The Forgiving Father) The Mustard Seed
The Lost Sheep (The Good Shepherd) Paables of the Kingdom (The Sower and the Seed)

Review what happens in the following miracles:
The Wedding Banquet (at Cana) The Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish

Be able to describe thoroughly all that happens in the sacrament of Baptism.
Be able to explain to someone what it means to live a Christian life.
Be able to make up a prayer that you would say in preparing for confession, or after
receiving Holy Communion, or for special needs in your family.