Tuesday, October 8, 2013

NEW POST: Homework for all grades for 10/7 to 10/11 and review for ELA TEST

         As mentioned before the ELA Interim Assessment is this Thursday.  This Friday's  ELA weekly quiz as well as the Religion weekly quiz for next week has been cancelled so students can focus on reviewing for this test and the Unit tests coming up very soon!  ALL STUDENTS SHOULD FOCUS ON STUDYING ALL NOTES IN ELA NOTEBOOKS.  BELOW IS A LIST FOR EACH GRADE ON WHAT WAS STUDIED IN CLASS AND SHOULD BE REVIEWED THOROUGHLY


artistic license - cite examples: poems in Butterfly Eyes; African tale"The Boy Who Wanted the Moon"; art work "Starry Night."
myth - legend - lore (compare)
research - facts
theme - eg. opposition of good and evil or hero's quest
word choice
narrative writing
astronomy - astrology (compare)
landscapes ("Starry Night" and "A View of Toledo"
star charts of constellations (ones you created)
use of prefix (astro-)  and suffix  (-ology) to build words
deity - god - goddess
hero- heroic - heroine

Native American culture
non-fiction:  research on mound builders and their artifacts
fiction: And Still the Turtle Watched and "Indian Names"

Greek culture
non-fiction: scientific information on the constellations. Click on
http://www.msnucleus.org/membership/html/k-6/uc/pdf/uc4universe.pdf and scroll to
Background.  Star charts
fiction: myths on the constellations

Essential Question: How are the earth and sky portrayed in fiction and non-fiction?

author - illustrator
trickster tales :  "A Hill of Beans " (Japanese tale) and "Lion and Unicorn" (English tale)
trickster - fool - problem - solution
character traits - character motivation  (The Stories Julian Tells)
generational stories (stories we pass on our children)
narrative writing (stories you about your family)
revise - edit   (part  of proofreading)
internet search - shared research
parts of speech: noun - collective noun
verb - verb tenses (present, past, future) 
 past tense of irregular verbs

Essential Question:  Why do we hand stories down to the next generation?

SECOND GRADE  (refer to Super kids Word Book , ELA Workbook. or ELA notes)

*use of graphic organizer to help organize writing - Tchart used to list kinds of writing and reasons for writing
*sentence or incomplete sentence (fragment)
*use of capitals and periods (p.4)
*comparing telling, asking, exclaiming sentences (p. 11)
*use of apostrophes in possessives (p.5 at bottom)
*use of apostrophes in contractions (p. 12)
*writing complete sentences (requires using subject and predicate)
*fixing run on sentences (taking out and and forming shorter sentences using capitals)
* compare noun (Superkids WB p. 5) and verb (p. 18) and pronouns (p. 6) and adjectives (p,27 *will be covered this week)
*writing process- plan, draft, revise, edit, publish
*identifying five letter parts  (LA Workbook pp. 65-66)
*writing a friendly letter (sample in notebook) with correct use of capitals and commas)
recognizing character traits  (of Wilbur and Charlotte) in Charlotte"s Web.
*spelling of memory words: have, there, were, where, want, look, any, some, very, new, first, their, your, down, work, show, about, could, before, many.

Essential Question: What makes language beautiful?


Rel - Click on www.sadlierreligion.com.  Scroll to We Believe. Next click on your grade, student, activities, go to.  Next under
Games and  click on Unit 1 to get a drop down menu.  Click on flash cards and then on Print box that appears.  Cut out the words and the definitions.  Glue EACH word on a three by five index card with its definition on the flip side.  Put all cards in a  sealed   plastic  sandwich bag labeled UNIT 1 and your  name.  Be sure to study all these definitions for daily assessments.  Bring in on Fri.
Handwriting - Do pp. 22 and 23.

Rel - Click on www.sadlierreligion.com.  Scroll to We Believe. Next click on your grade, student, activities, go to.  Next under
Games and  click on Unit 1 to get a drop down menu.  Click on flash cards and then on Print box that appears.  Cut out the words and the definitions.  Glue EACH word on a three by five index card with its definition on the flip side.  Put all cards in a  sealed   plastic  sandwich bag labeled UNIT 1 and your  name.  Be sure to study all these definitions for daily assessments.  Bring in on Fri.
Handwriting - Do pp. 52-53.

Rel - Click on www.sadlierreligion.com.  Scroll to We Believe. Next click on your grade, student, activities, go to.  Next under
Games and  click on Unit 1 to get a drop down menu.  Click on flash cards and then on Print box that appears.  Cut out the words and the definitions.  Glue EACH word on a three by five index card with its definition on the flip side.  Put all cards in a  sealed   plastic  sandwich bag labeled UNIT 1 and your  name.  Be sure to study all these definitions for daily assessments.  Bring in on Fri.
Handwriting - Do pp. 24-25.  Write three sentences instead of one.