Friday, October 31, 2014

Study Guide for First Quarter Exams for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grades

Dear Parents,
         Exams in each subject will begin on Tues. Nov. 4th. Scheduling for these tests will be given later.  Please have all students review well all quizzes in the test folders and  all notes in their ELA and Religion notebooks.  Those are the two main sources they should use to review.  Please see the guide below for ELA:

*Be able to identify declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences and the correct ending punctuation mark for each type of sentence.
*Be able to show how commas make a difference in the meaning of sentences.
*Be able to use capital letter correctly in titles, proper nouns, at the start of quotes, etc.
*Be able to recognize fragments and run-on's and how to correct them by writing complete sentences.
*Be able to recognize simple, complex, and compound sentences
*Be able to write many examples of complex and compound sentences with correct use of commas.
*Be able to use various transition words correctly (see sheet in folder)
*Be able to use correct punctuation and capitalization in dialogue.                                                      eg. My brother asked, "Are you coming?"
*Know the meaning of the following words: terrain, thermal, ominous, immobile, assemble, sprained, provisions, opportunity.
*Know the definition of the following vocabulary terms:  narrative writing, dialogue, quotation, detail, setting, theme, lore, artistic license, myth, legend, simile, metaphor, personification, environment, habitat, adaptation.
* Be able to create an organizer with a beginning, middle, and end format and with two bullets under each showing examples of sensory details and dialog on a given topic. Then use the organizer to create a well-organized essay of three paragraphs with six sentences in each.  The essay must show use of compound and complex sentences and use of  transition words to introduce each paragraph.
* Review the notes on how  the Native American culture is depicted in the book And Still the Turtle Watched and in the poem "Indian Names." Consider  what these two literary works have in common.  Give examples from  the book. Consider the theme of the poem and how the poet presents this theme.

*Be able to identify a statement, a question, a command, and an exclamation and the ending punctuation mark for each type of sentence.
*Be able to use capital letter correctly in titles, proper nouns, at the start of quotes, etc.
*Be able to recognize fragments and run-on's and how to correct them by writing complete sentences.
*Be able to recognize simple, complex, and compound sentences.
*Be able to write many examples of complex and compound sentences with correct use of commas.
*Be able to recognize the following different parts of speech and know their places and function in a sentence:  adjective, noun, pronoun, verb, adverb.
*Be able to distinguish the different verb tenses: present, past, future and how to write the verb or verb phrase for each, including some irregular verbs.
*Be able to use capital letters correctly in titles, proper nouns, start of quotes. etc
*Be able to give the meaning of the following words:  cross, abruptly, compel, commotion, outrage, murmur, despair, condition, approaching, onlooker.
*Know the definitions of the following vocabulary terms: generational story, character trait, character motivation, draft, edit, revise, trickster tale, trickster, fool, problem, solution, idiom, prefix, suffix, root word.
*Be ready to create an organizer with a beginning, middle, and ending format with two bullets under each showing examples of sensory details and dialog on a give topi  Then use the organizer to create a well-organized essay of two paragraphs with six sentences in each.  The essay must show use of compound and complex sentences and use of  time order words to introduce each paragraph.
*Review the sheet of notes on the trickster tales.  Be able to identify the trickster, the fool (s), the problem, the solution, and the moral of each tale.

*Be able to use apostrophes correctly in possessives:  eg. one boy's pencils      all the boys' pencils
*Be able to use apostrophes correctly in contractions:  eg. has not - hasn't   will not - won't
*Be able to use capital letters correctly: at the beginning of sentences, the word I, names, months, days, holidays, proper names of places, and in titles.
*Be able to recognize which words can be joined to make compound words: eg. waterfall
*Be able to use ending punctuation marks correctly: period, question mark, exclamation point
*Be able to recognize a fragment (incomplete sentence), a run-on sentence (two or more sentences joined together incorrectly), and a correct sentence.  (See notebook and quizzes.)
*Be be able to recognize the name of each letter part and how to write them using capital letters and commas correctly: eg. Nov. 1, 2014      Dear Joe,       Your friend,    Indenting  to start the body
* To know the character traits of Charlotte, Wilbur, and Templeton  from Charlotte's Web.(notebook)
*Be able to give the meaning of the following words: gigantic, glare, custom, snatch, ache, decide, relief, ruin.  
*Know the definitions of the following vocabulary terms: autobiography, introduction, conclusion, paragraph, title, plot, setting, character, sequence, time order words (sequence words), author, illustrator, capitalization, punctuation.
*Be able to write an autobiography  of six  COMPLETE sentences in paragraph form with a title, introduction, and conclusion. See notebook and quizzes.  Student should check for correct use of capital letters and punctuation,
*Be able to write an informational essay explaining the friendship between two animals using the time order words First, Next, Then, Last to describe the sequence of events in a true story.
You can view the video again if you search videos on Owen and Mzee on PBS kids site.

Below is the Study Guide for Religion:

*Know the definitions of all the Unit 1 flash card words on
*Study all quizzes and Chapters 1 through 4 in textbook.
*Study all notes especially ones referring to creation, God's image, conscience, temptation, and feelings involved in making a moral choice.
*Memorize the Sanctus prayer, Jesus' Two Great Commandments, and Jesus' New Commandment.
*Memorize ALL the steps for making a good moral choice (in notebook).
*Memorize the five Joyful Mysteries and what happens in each.
*Be able to explain the different types of sins (see notebook).
*Be able to retell and explain the parables of "The Good Samaritan" and "The Prodigal Son."
*Be able to explain the covenant relationship between God and the Chosen People of Israel.

*Know the definitions of all the Unit 1 flash card words on
*Study all quizzes and Chapters 1 through 4 in textbook. Study all notes in notebook.
*Know the difference between the parables and the miracles of Jesus.
*Be able to identify and explain the two Parables of the Kingdom: "The Mustard Seed" and "The Sower of Seeds."
*Be able to describe the type of person represented by each seed in "The Sower of Seeds."
*Be able to retell and explain any other parable or miracle summarized in your notebook.

*Know the definitions of all the Unit 1 flash card words on
*Study all quizzes and Chapters 1 through 4 in textbook.  Study any notes in notebook.
*Be able to explain how to respect the lives of the unborn, the handicapped, and the elderly.
*Be able to distinguish the Blessed Trinity from the Holy Family; the apostles from the disciples.
*Be able to explain what happens in the sacrament of Baptism and the meaning of the symbols light and water.
*Be able to retell the parable of "The Good Shepherd" and explain who the shepherd, the sheep, and the one who ran away represent.
*Know the difference between the terms: Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost, and Incarnation, and the Church.
*Be able to identify the seven sacraments.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th grades for 10/27 to 10/31

Dear Parents,
         Hopefully, you read the previous blog sent on the weekend including the study for the Spelling quiz and notices about Halloween (for third grade).  If not please scroll down and check.
         Now that ALL UNIT 1  quizzes have been completed, corrected, and entered on the SIS, all will be sent home in test  folders. One folder is for Religion and the other is for ELA.  Students should review errors on  each quiz carefully since exams next week will be based on questions covered in these quizzes.  Each quiz should be signed and returned in the same folder.  They will be collected after exams are over.  NO ANSWERS ARE TO BE CHANGED ON THE QUIZ. Please remember that  EXAMS BEGIN NOV. 4TH.
          Please check below for Tuesday's homework.  More to follow! Please check on Wednesday.

 10/28 Handwriting- Do pp. 32 and 33.
10/28 ELA - On looseleaf answer ELA  Workbook pp. 104 and 116 .  Begin research on topic given in class.

10/30 Please complete all Classwork not finished in class. ELA  NY Progress Book should be done in class, but students may complete Religion and Handwriting at home.  It will be checked tomorrow.
Review all quizzes in the two test folders that were sent home on Wed.  Do over all errors on looseleaf.  Please check blog for EXAM STUDY GUIDE which will be posted by Friday afternoon.

10/28 Handwriting - Do pp. 71 and 72. Please send in $5.00 for pizza no later than Wed.
10/28 ELA  - On looseleaf answer ELA Workbook pp. 83 and 100.

10/30 Please complete all Classwork not finished in class. ELA  NY Progress Book should be done in class, but students may complete Religion and Handwriting at home.  It will be checked tomorrow.
Review all quizzes in the two test folders that were sent home on Wed.  Do over all errors on looseleaf.  Please check blog for EXAM STUDY GUIDE which will be posted by Friday afternoon.

10/28 Handwriting - Do pp. 26 and 27.
10/28 ELA - On looseleaf answer ELA  Voyages Workbook pp. 97 and 127.

10/30 Please complete all Classwork not finished in class. ELA  NY Progress Book should be done in class, but students may complete Religion and Handwriting at home.  It will be checked tomorrow.
Review all quizzes in the two test folders that were sent home on Wed.  Do over all errors on looseleaf.  Please check blog for EXAM STUDY GUIDE which will be posted by Friday afternoon.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Study Guide for Quizzes on Monday and notices about Halloween

Dear Parents,
         Instead of the usual ELA quiz, Religion assessments were given on Friday based on the Safe Environment Curriculum taught during the week.  This included several worksheets provided in the curriculum as well as a writing piece using key word notes and a poster with a slogan to show their understanding of stranger danger awareness, home alone rules, and the buddy system.
          There is a Book Fair this week.  Flyers were sent home on Friday.  Students should have an idea of what they want to purchase and bring the correct amount of money in a purse to avoid loss.
          A Spelling/Handwriting quiz will be given to all classes on Monday based on the words below.  I will let you know on Tuesday if it will be possible to give a Grammar quiz on Thursday since Friday is HALLOWEEN! Please make sure students STUDY the spelling and practice joining the letters correctly in script (3rd & 4th only) since this score will make a difference in the total ELA grade when it is averaged in.

usually, heard, friend, however, door, order, during, better, short, didn't

light, thought, under, story, don't, while, might, example, close, beginning

sentence, think, great, where, through, before, right, much, good, any

                       On Halloween all third graders (home room) should come dressed in their costume and will wear their costume all day. Students will not be allowed to change clothes in school. Costumes should be a safe length. Sine the Pre K and kindergarten classes will form a parade for trick or treat, it is important that each student bring one  large bag of small sealed candy pieces to give out to them and bring one other treat to share with their own third grade class. Students will be assigned to bring in candies, cookies, or snacks so that we have an assortment.  Each student should bring their own small juice containers (I suggest at least two or three for the day).  I will be ordering pizza for the class so each student will need to bring in five dollars by Wednesday. If you do not want pizza, please bring in your own lunch that day. Students may not bring in any large bottles or glass bottles.  Home made treats are allowed but please enough for 22 students.  Students are NOT allowed to bring in electronics games but board games or playing cards are allowed.
                       Finally, EXAMS will begin on Nov. 4th.  ALL students will need to study the quizzes which WILL be sent home for review since exams will be based on these and the study guide that will be posted on the blog by this Friday.



Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th for 10/20 to 10/24

Dear Parents,
          All grades are taking the ELA Interim Test this Tuesday and the Math Interim Test this Thurs.
The next ones won't be given until February. In Religion only the Safe Environment curriculum is being covered which involves alerting children on how to use good judgment to protect themselves from strangers.
           Please see below for Tuesday's homework and check back on Thursday for the next homework assignment.

10/21 Handwriting - Do pp. 30 and 31 neatly and completely.
           Religion - On looseleaf write a full heading.  Write  the title The Prodigal Son  (also called The Forgiving Father) . Write a summary of NO MORE than 6 to 8 sentences about the parable.  Be include to include the older's brother reaction as well as the father's. Be sure to tell the story IN YOUR OWN WORDS and to use COMPLETE SENTENCES.
10/23 Handwriting quiz tomorrow . Review how to join letters in script.

10/21 Handwriting - Do pp. 69 and 70 neatly and completely.
           Religion - On looseleaf write a full heading.  Write  the title The Good Samaritan. Write a summary of NO MORE than 6 to 8 sentences about the parable. Check your notebook but be sure to tell the story IN YOUR OWN WORDS and be sure to use COMPLETE SENTENCES.
10/23  Copy the flower design on  new looseleaf and fill in the required information about the saint that you researched. Do neatly on lines.
              ELA On looseleaf answer p. 104 in ELA Workbook.

Handwriting - Do pp.22 and 23 neatly and completely.
           Religion - Read the parable n Religion book pp. 132-133 which we discussed in class. On looseleaf write a full heading.  Write  the title The Good Shepherd  (also called The Lost Sheep). Write a summary of NO MORE than 5 to 6 sentences.  Be sure to tell the story IN YOUR OWN WORDS and to use COMPLETE SENTENCES.
10/23 ELA On looseleaf answer Voyages Workbook p. 119 . Write complete sentences using I witth a capital letter.  See p. 118 as a guide.
           Handwriting -  Do pp. 24-25 neatly.

Second Grade Religion 10/20 to 10/24

Lesson Plan

Third Grade Religion 10/20 to 10/24

Lesson Plan

Fourth Grade Religion 10/20 to 10/24

Lesson Plan

Second Grade ELA 10/20 to 10/24

Lesson Plan

Third Grade ELA 10/20 to 10/24

Lesson Plan

Fourth Grade ELA 10/20 to 10/24

Lesson Plan

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders for 10/16

Dear Parents,
           Please remember that last week's ELA Writing Quiz for all grades has been rescheduled for this Friday. This is a reminder that on Monday all classes will be given  the Religion weekly quiz as well.  Please be aware also that THIRD graders will not be allowed to wear play clothes on Fridays for a month.  Please ask Mr. Woods if you have questions about this.   Please be aware also that the PBL assignment  on a saint from France is for THIRD graders only.  Each home room teacher is only responsible for his/her home room class's PBL assignments, and each teacher has been assigned   to research saints from a different country. Please see below for homework for Thurs. Oct. 16th.

*Handwriting - Do pp. 24 and 25.  Copy the Ten Commandments from Religion text book p. 99 word for word  IN SCRIPT. Answer the two questions at the bottom.
*Review for ELA Writing Quiz tomorrow.  See previous blog  Study Guide ...for 10/13 to 10/17.
* Religion -Students should have already printed out the flash cards for Unit 1.  Cut out each word and definition and glue each set on 3 X 5 index cards (word on one side and definition on the other).  Place all cards in a  PLASTIC SANDWICH BAG labeled with child's name, grade, and UNIT 1.  Students should keep this bag in a front compartment of their book bag. Due Monday!
*Please have all quizzes signed and returned in the same two test folders by Monday.
ELA - Please review speech on your assigned animal and bring in pictures and notes on what to say.

*Handwriting - Do pp. 67 and 68 NEATLY.
*Review for ELA Writing Quiz tomorrow.  See previous blog  Study Guide ...for 10/13 to 10/17.
* Religion -Students should have  already printed out the flash cards for Unit 1.  Cut out each word and definition and glue each set on 3 X 5 index cards (word on one side and definition on the other).  Place all cards in a  PLASTIC SANDWICH BAG labeled with child's name, grade, and UNIT 1.  Students should keep this bag in a front compartment of their book bag. Due Monday!
*Please have all quizzes signed and returned in the same two test folders by Monday.
*PBL - Each student should be prepared to speak about their assigned saint from France by tomorrow. Please refer to the questions assigned previously. Please have one or two pictures of the saint on construction paper.

*Handwriting - Do pp. 22 and 23 neatly.  Be sure to write a complete sentence also correctly.
*Review for ELA Writing Quiz tomorrow.  See previous blog  Study Guide ...for 10/13 to 10/17.
* Religion -Students should have already printed out the flash cards for Unit 1.  Cut out each word and definition and glue each set on 3 X 5 index cards (word on one side and definition on the other).  Place all cards in a  PLASTIC SANDWICH BAG labeled with child's name, grade, and UNIT 1.  Students should keep this bag in a front compartment of their book bag. Due Monday!
*Please have all quizzes signed and returned in the same two test folders by Monday.
*ELA- Each student will be given an opportunity to SPEAK before the class. Think about telling your life story as we practiced in the autobiographies. Be ready to describe a brief family event you think would be interesting to tell the class.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Study Guide for ELA and Religion quizzes for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th

Dear Parents,
         Due to Spanish Heritage Day which was celebrated last Friday, all quizzes were cancelled.
Please have students watch the video and review for the ELA quiz which will be given this week (either Wed. or Fri.) and study for the Religion quiz which will be given next Monday.  Some parents have been asking when the Religion  PBL project is due.  Please be aware that PBL is done ONLY on  Fridays when we don't have Mass or early dismissal.  Although each student was assigned a saint to research, I could not assign any further work until we have a "PBL Friday" which is coming up this week.  This Friday, therefore each student will need to give an oral presentation on the life of their assigned saint. Each student should have one or two 3x5 index cards with notes to use for their speech.  Students should focus on the following questions:
*When and where was the saint born?  What area or city in France is the saint's birthplace?
*What are one or two interesting or significant details about the saint's life?
* What sacrifices or actions of this person led to their becoming a saint?
*What contributions did this saint make to help or serve others?
* When did the saint die and when is his or her feast day celebrated?
****Students should bring in one or two pictures of the saint on standard size construction paper. PLEASE DO NOT PREPARE A POSTER BOARD OR BRING A PRINT OUT TO READ FROM.
Students should just have some notes on the research they did to speak about their saint based on the questions listed above.
           We will be completing Unit 1 this week.   I regret the delay in sending test folders home but they will be sent home this week so students can review. Please return  in folders signed by Friday.
I have copied the study guides for the ELA quiz for each grade below.  Please review well.
  FOURTH GRADE Study guide:
 Watch the video on "organizing..." on
*Review creating a beginning, middle, ending plan with two details under each including dialog.
*Review using the plan to write two paragraphs including two lines of dialog.
*Review the correct use of punctuation in dialog  (eg.  Carol said, "I can't wait!")
*Review definitions: habitat, environment, adaptation, narrative, dialog (See notes)
*Review vocabulary words: assemble, provisions, thermal, terrain, ominous (See 9/29 to 10/3 homework blog) 

THIRD GRADE Study guide:
Watch the video on "organizing..." on
 *Review creating a beginning, middle, ending plan with two details under each including dialog.
*Review using the plan to write two paragraphs including two lines of dialog.
*Review the correct use of punctuation in dialog  (eg.  Carol said, "I can't wait!")
*Review vocabulary: trickster, edit, revise, draft, research
Review simple, compound, complex sentences.

SECOND GRADE Study guide:
*Review telling their name, their birthplace (using capitals), their age, and their family members
*Review using the plan to write a  paragraph.
*Review correct use of capitalization  (eg. the word I, beginning of  each sentence)
*Review vocabulary: autobiography, sequence, introduction, conclusion, plot  (notebook)
*Review use of apostrophes in possessives  and contractions.


*Know vocabulary definitions: covenant, prodigal,  Chosen People (Israelites or Hebrew),  human rights
*Be able to retell the parable of "The Prodigal Son"  (text pp. 44-45).
*Memorize Jesus' New Commandment.
*Be able to explain how Jesus' Two Great Commandments reaffirm God's Ten Commandments.
*Study Chapters 4 and 8 especially pp.76 to 80)

*Know vocabulary definitions: samaritan, stewardship, last judgment (second coming), heaven.
*Be able to retell the parable of "The Good Samaritan."
*Memorize Jesus' Two Great Commandments.
*Study Chapter 3.

*Know vocabulary definitions: grace, original sin, Baptism, symbol (water & light), godparents.
*Study Chapter 4.
*Be able to explain what happens in the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation , Eucharist.
*Be able to explain why water and light are SYMBOLS for Baptism.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th grades for 10/6 to 10/10

Dear Parents,
         Please remember to send in Progress reports signed on Monday. Both test folders that will be received on Monday are due on Wednesday with all quizzes signed.  This Friday there will be 12:00 dismissal.  Students in third and fourth grades should be prepared to give their speeches this week.
Fourth grade had to research information on an assigned animal and third have to speak on one interesting family event or experience.  Second grade will be working on autobiographies this week.
       Please be aware that due to rearrangement of scheduling, I was not able to see second or fourth grades last  Monday and this Monday I was not able to see the fourth. Work however was assigned and will be collected.
Please check below for Tuesday's homework and for  Thursday's homework.  SINCE THERE IS NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY, THE RELIGION QUIZ WILL BE GIVEN ON TUESDAY.  PLEASE CHECK BACK ON FRIDAY EVENING  FOR THE RELIGION QUIZ GUIDELINE.                                              
 10/7 Handwriting  - Do pp. 16 and 17 NEATLY!
 10/7  ELA- As a followup to the video seen in class on , students are to follow directions given in class and  complete the graphic organizer on looseleaf about a difficult trip or journey they have experienced with their family.  The organizer must have title, a beginning box with two sentences, a middle box with two sentences, and an ending box with two sentences to explain what happens in the story. There should be two details under each box.These details should be sentences giving sensory details or lines of dialog.

10/9 ELA Quiz tomorrow will be on writing based on the beginning, middle, and ending plan students worked on this week.  Students will be given a different topic but  will need to follow the same plan as mentioned above for 10/7.
Study guide:
*Review creating a beginning, middle, ending plan with two details under each including dialog.
*Review using the plan to write two paragraphs including two lines of dialog.
*Review the correct use of punctuation in dialog  (eg.  Carol said, "I can't wait!")
*Review definitions: habitat, environment, adaptation, narrative, dialog (See notes)
*Review vocabulary words: assemble, provisions, thermal, terrain, ominous (See 9/29 to 10/3 homework blog)

10/7 Handwriting - Do pp. 52 and 53 NEATLY!
10/7 ELA- As a followup to the video seen in class on students are to follow directions given in class and  complete the graphic organizer on looseleaf about a family problem they have experienced and how it was solved. The organizer must have title, a beginning box with two sentences, a middle box with two sentences, and an ending box with two sentences to explain what happens in the story. There should be two details under each box. These details should be sentences giving sensory details or lines of dialog.

10/9 ELA Quiz tomorrow will be on writing based on the beginning, middle, and ending plan students worked on this week.  Students will be given a different topic but  will need to follow the same plan as mentioned above for 10/7.
Study guide:
*Review creating a beginning, middle, ending plan with two details under each including dialog.
*Review using the plan to write two paragraphs including two lines of dialog.
*Review the correct use of punctuation in dialog  (eg.  Carol said, "I can't wait!")
*Review vocabulary: trickster, edit, revise, draft, research
Review simple, compound, complex sentences.

10/7 Handwriting - Do  pp. 20 and 21 neatly.  Write the sentence correctly.
10/7 ELA - On looseleaf write a full heading.  Answer ELA Workbook  pp. 101 and 102 (just answers)

10/9 ELA Quiz tomorrow will be on writing an autobiography based on the plan students worked on this week.  Students should review their notes. Students will need to be able to write complete sentences based on the plan.
Study guide:
*Review telling their name, their birthplace (using capitals), their age, and their family members
*Review using the plan to write a  paragraph.
*Review correct use of capitalization  (eg. the word I, beginning of  each sentence)
*Review vocabulary: autobiography, sequence, introduction, conclusion, plot  (notebook)
*Review use of apostrophes in possessives  and contractions

Friday, October 3, 2014

Study Guide for Rel. Quiz on 10/ 6

Dear Parents,
          On Friday, Oct. 3rd, all students received Progress Reports.  These need to be signed and returned on Monday.  On Monday, Oct. 6th, I will also be sending home two test folders -one for ELA and the other for Religion.  Each quiz must be signed, placed back in the same two  folders, and returned with  all quizzes inside NO LATER THAN WED., OCT. 8TH. No answers are to be erased or changed in any way on any quiz.   No other teachers' quizzes should be placed in these test folders.  Please review quizzes with your child.  Upon return,  I will keep all quizzes SAFE in class so that they can be sent home again just  before UNIT TEST #  1 so students can study for the Unit test.  In this way you do not have to worry about the quizzes being  discarded or misplaced. If both test folders are returned, no more tests will be sent home. The parent will need to make an appointment to see me.
          Since there is a Religion quiz every Monday, this is a reminder that students need to recheck the blog on Sundays for their Religion study guide. This week I am providing the study guide earlier but please remember to check back here to review on Sunday.

 *Memorize Jesus' Two Great Commandments ( as stated in the notes)
*Be able to retell the parable of "The Good Samaritan." (notes)
*Be able to explain what this parable teaches us. (notes)
*Be able to explain  WHEN and HOW to examine one's conscience (text pp. 58, 62, and 63)
*Be able to retell the parable of "The Prodigal Son" (also called "The Forgiving Father") text p.56
*Be able to explain what this parable is teaching us. ( text p.57)
*Know vocabulary words: parable, Samaritan, examination of conscience, Jesus' Two  Great Commandments.

*Know the difference between a parable and a miracle.
*Be able to give two examples of a parables and two examples of a miracle. (notes)
*Be able to retell the story of "The Wedding of Cana" using correct vocabulary (eg. stone jars)
*Be able to retell the story of "The Widows's Son" using correct vocabulary  (eg. compassion)
*Be able to retell the story of "The Multiplication of Loaves and Fish."
*** Be able to tell what all these stories have in common.
*Know vocabulary words: parable,miracle, widow, loaves

*Study Religion text pp. 44 to 48 and know meaning of key words
*Know how to identify each of the seven sacraments by its description  (text pp. 50-51)
*Be  able to explain what happens when  you are baptized. (text pp. 56-57)
*Know the vocabulary words: Catholics, sacrament, parishes, worship