All grades are taking the ELA Interim Test this Tuesday and the Math Interim Test this Thurs.
The next ones won't be given until February. In Religion only the Safe Environment curriculum is being covered which involves alerting children on how to use good judgment to protect themselves from strangers.
Please see below for Tuesday's homework and check back on Thursday for the next homework assignment.
10/21 Handwriting - Do pp. 30 and 31 neatly and completely.
Religion - On looseleaf write a full heading. Write the title The Prodigal Son (also called The Forgiving Father) . Write a summary of NO MORE than 6 to 8 sentences about the parable. Be include to include the older's brother reaction as well as the father's. Be sure to tell the story IN YOUR OWN WORDS and to use COMPLETE SENTENCES.
10/23 Handwriting quiz tomorrow . Review how to join letters in script.
10/21 Handwriting - Do pp. 69 and 70 neatly and completely.
Religion - On looseleaf write a full heading. Write the title The Good Samaritan. Write a summary of NO MORE than 6 to 8 sentences about the parable. Check your notebook but be sure to tell the story IN YOUR OWN WORDS and be sure to use COMPLETE SENTENCES.
10/23 Copy the flower design on new looseleaf and fill in the required information about the saint that you researched. Do neatly on lines.
ELA On looseleaf answer p. 104 in ELA Workbook.
Handwriting - Do pp.22 and 23 neatly and completely.
Religion - Read the parable n Religion book pp. 132-133 which we discussed in class. On looseleaf write a full heading. Write the title The Good Shepherd (also called The Lost Sheep). Write a summary of NO MORE than 5 to 6 sentences. Be sure to tell the story IN YOUR OWN WORDS and to use COMPLETE SENTENCES.
10/23 ELA On looseleaf answer Voyages Workbook p. 119 . Write complete sentences using I witth a capital letter. See p. 118 as a guide.
Handwriting - Do pp. 24-25 neatly.
Religion - Read the parable n Religion book pp. 132-133 which we discussed in class. On looseleaf write a full heading. Write the title The Good Shepherd (also called The Lost Sheep). Write a summary of NO MORE than 5 to 6 sentences. Be sure to tell the story IN YOUR OWN WORDS and to use COMPLETE SENTENCES.
10/23 ELA On looseleaf answer Voyages Workbook p. 119 . Write complete sentences using I witth a capital letter. See p. 118 as a guide.
Handwriting - Do pp. 24-25 neatly.