Friday, October 3, 2014

Study Guide for Rel. Quiz on 10/ 6

Dear Parents,
          On Friday, Oct. 3rd, all students received Progress Reports.  These need to be signed and returned on Monday.  On Monday, Oct. 6th, I will also be sending home two test folders -one for ELA and the other for Religion.  Each quiz must be signed, placed back in the same two  folders, and returned with  all quizzes inside NO LATER THAN WED., OCT. 8TH. No answers are to be erased or changed in any way on any quiz.   No other teachers' quizzes should be placed in these test folders.  Please review quizzes with your child.  Upon return,  I will keep all quizzes SAFE in class so that they can be sent home again just  before UNIT TEST #  1 so students can study for the Unit test.  In this way you do not have to worry about the quizzes being  discarded or misplaced. If both test folders are returned, no more tests will be sent home. The parent will need to make an appointment to see me.
          Since there is a Religion quiz every Monday, this is a reminder that students need to recheck the blog on Sundays for their Religion study guide. This week I am providing the study guide earlier but please remember to check back here to review on Sunday.

 *Memorize Jesus' Two Great Commandments ( as stated in the notes)
*Be able to retell the parable of "The Good Samaritan." (notes)
*Be able to explain what this parable teaches us. (notes)
*Be able to explain  WHEN and HOW to examine one's conscience (text pp. 58, 62, and 63)
*Be able to retell the parable of "The Prodigal Son" (also called "The Forgiving Father") text p.56
*Be able to explain what this parable is teaching us. ( text p.57)
*Know vocabulary words: parable, Samaritan, examination of conscience, Jesus' Two  Great Commandments.

*Know the difference between a parable and a miracle.
*Be able to give two examples of a parables and two examples of a miracle. (notes)
*Be able to retell the story of "The Wedding of Cana" using correct vocabulary (eg. stone jars)
*Be able to retell the story of "The Widows's Son" using correct vocabulary  (eg. compassion)
*Be able to retell the story of "The Multiplication of Loaves and Fish."
*** Be able to tell what all these stories have in common.
*Know vocabulary words: parable,miracle, widow, loaves

*Study Religion text pp. 44 to 48 and know meaning of key words
*Know how to identify each of the seven sacraments by its description  (text pp. 50-51)
*Be  able to explain what happens when  you are baptized. (text pp. 56-57)
*Know the vocabulary words: Catholics, sacrament, parishes, worship