Dear Parents,
Due to the many changes in scheduling occurring this week, I have decided to wait until Wed. to clarify any assignments that I will be giving. Tomorrow there will be Mass at 11:00 so all students should be in school uniform.On Thursday students will be assigned independent work since teachers will be meeting to discuss report card grades.
Students from each grade should bring both test folders in so that they may be collected by this Wed. A BRIEF HANDWRITING EXAM WILL BE GIVEN ON WEDNESDAY IN SCRIPT ONLY FOR THIRD AND FOURTH. SECOND GRADE WILL BE TEST IN PRINT. All THIRD grade students should bring in their flow chart (done in the former lesson with the coach ) since many papers were not collected on Monday when I had my meeting with the coach. I am assigning only Handwriting for Tuesday's homework which is not due till Friday. I am assigning homework for Thursday which is due on Monday. Please see below.
1/27 Handwriting- Do p. 42.
1/29 ELA- Watch entire video on Then on looseleaf write a full heading, a title, and an essay of three paragraphs explaining the differences between prose, drama, and poetry.
1/27 Handwriting - Do p. 87. Make up your own list of SIX different directives.
1/29 ELA- Please wait until next week to do research on the inventor. Do research on the topic given on Wed. on the sea animal you were assigned. On loose leaf write a full heading. Write the name of your animal as a title. Write a two paragraph essay with 5 or 6 sentences in each. Be sure to include information about its characteristics (how it looks), its movement, its diet (what it eats), its enemies, and ways of protecting itself. Bring in two 8x11 pictures of the animal . One should be an action picture (eating, fighting). Prepare to speak about it. All information must be based on research - no guessing!
1/27 Handwriting- Do pp. 40-41.
1/29 ELA- On the web site skip the videos on the top and scroll down to the stories. Click on each of the stories below.
Read each one. Then choose one! On loose leaf write a heading. Write a title. Retell the story in a paragraph of six sentences telling what could be real and what is exaggerated.