*Study the definitions of the following terms: commandments, holiness, conscience, covenant, idolatry, temptation, Sabbath, Sanctus prayer, justice, Incarnation, Savior, Pentecost, peace, free will, sin, Church, gospel, homily, Kingdom of God, grace,
* Memorize the Sanctus prayer recited at every Mass.
*Memorize all the steps for making a good moral choice.
*Memorize the Ten Commandments. Know what the terms mean and ways to obey each one.
*Memorize Jesus Two Great Commandments and Jesus' New Commandment.
*Memorize the Corporal and the Spiritual Works of Mercy and how to practice each one.
*Know the steps of Reconciliation and their meaning: confession, contrition, penance, absolution.
*Know the different types of sins: original, venial, mortal, omission, commission
**** Study thoroughly set of printed notes and flash card words from Unit 1, 2, 3 on
*Study the definitions of the following terms: Church, Blessed Trinity, Holy Family, Resurrection, Ascension, Advent, Pentecost, Incarnation, Kingdom of God, Annunciation, Savior, Bethlehem, Bible (Old Testament/ New Testament)
*Study the following vocabulary: parable, miracle, vestments, parish, diocese, vow, stewardship.
*Be able to identify the following people: prophet, apostles, disciples, bishop, priest, pastor, deacon,
layperson, religious brother or sister.
*Be able to identify the Sacraments of Initiation, the Sacraments of Healing, and the Sacraments of Service and what happens in each sacrament.
*Memorize the Ten Commandments and what each one means and explain how a third grader obeys
*Memorize Jesus' Two Great Commandments.
*Know the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament.
*Know the difference between Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist (parts of Mass)
*Be able to retell Jesus' Parables of the Kingdom (eg. The Mustard Seed , The Sower of Seeds)
*Be able too retell other parables (eg. The Prodigal Son , The Good Samaritan)
*Be able to retell Jesus' miracles (eg. The Widow's Son , The Multiplication of Loaves, The Wedding of Cana
**** Study set of printed notes and flash card words from Unit 1, 2, 3 on
*Study the definitions of the following terms: worship, commandments, grace, miracle, apostles, disciples, human, divine, Blessed Trinity, Holy Family, sacraments, Advent, Nativity, Pentecost, Church, Crucifixion. Resurrection
*Memorize the Ten Commandments and what each one means.
*Know how to examine your conscience by identifying different sins you have committed.
*Know the steps of Reconciliation and their meaning: confession, contrition, penance, absolution.
*Memorize the Act of Contrition.
*Recognize the different types of sin: original, venial, mortal
*Identify each of the seven sacraments and the meaning of each: Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist,
Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Anointing of the Sick.
*Know what happens in the sacrament of Baptism including people present (godparents), symbols used (water and light from a candle), why it is is celebrated (to become members of the Church)
*Be able to explain how we celebrate Advent: how to make an Advent wreath, how to decorate a Jesse tree, and how to set up a Nativity scene.
*Be able to explain how a second grader can obey each of the Ten Commandments.
*Be able to explain how Jesus is human and divine, giving example of each.
* Review flash card words from Unit 1, 2, 3 on