Saturday, February 7, 2015

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th for Week of 2/9 to 2/13

Dear Parents,                      
         Please be aware that this Friday there is 12:00 dismissal and that students are asked to dress in red to celebrate Valentine's Day.  There will be no party but there will be a bake sale and students can bring in money in a small purse.  Due to a teacher's absence this past Monday and mine on Tuesday, and  rescheduling of the Interim test to Wednesday, it will be necessary to repeat  many of last week's assignments which could not be completed. The ELA Weekly Quiz will need to be postponed until more material can be covered and notes given on the new Unit. All students were told on Friday to take home their Religion books and  to prepare for a Religion quiz instead.  Please see below:

FOURTH - RELIGION QUIZ MONDAY.  Study Chapter 2.  Memorize all the Beatitudes  and what each means. This is listed on p. 35 and in notes recorded in their Religion  notebook.

2/10 You are being given an opportunity to do over the homework on animal research BASED ON FACTS WHICH YOU HAVE LOOKED UP  if you would like a better grade! Be sure to answer all questions. This is due Wed.
Write the name of the animal as a title. Research the following information:  characteristics (fur, hooves), habitat (natural home), diet (what it eats), ways of protecting itself, natural enemies, length of life. and some interesting facts.

 We are beginning to use for homework practice this week.
Log on with the username and password given to you in class so your work can be recorded. Complete only MM3 (Synonyms in context) and NN3 (Antonyms in context) about 30 questions each.

THIRD - RELIGION QUIZ MONDAY. Study Chapter 11 and 12. Review Chapter Review pages.

2/10 ELA  Research on the assigned creative or inventive person is due NO LATER THAN this Friday. Students should answer all questions below in  an essay  with title and two paragraphs including introduction and conclusion. Students should also bring in two large pictures -one of the person and another showing his work or invention.
1. When and where did the person born?
2. What were some of their most important inventions or creation? Name, describe or explain.
3. What challenges  or obstacles did they face in doing their work?
4. How has this person's work contribute to making life easier or bettter for people today?
5. When  and how did this person die?

We are beginning to use for homework practice this week.

Log on with the username and password given to you in class so your work can be recorded.
Complete W2 set of exercises on Spelling Adjectives that  compare (about 30 questions)

SECOND - RELIGION QUIZ MONDAY. Study Chapter 11 and 12. Review Chapter Review pages done in class.

2/10 ELA We are beginning to use for homework practice this week.
Log on with the username and password given to you in class so your work can be recorded.
Complete all the exercises on Capitalization  X2 only (days, months, holidays). It's about 30 questions.  Study the notes on the similarities  and differences between Ruby Bridges biography and autobiography and be ready for an assessment on this tomorrow.

****Please check back for Thursday's homework.