Dear Parents,
Please remember there is 12:00 dismissal this Friday but there will be an ELA quiz students should not miss! There is also no school on Monday and I will be absent on Tuesday since I am scheduled to go to workshop that day. Please check the blog for homework for hoomework or updates.
Please see below for the study guide for ELA Quiz for each grade:
* Know definitions of following words: prose, drama, and poetry (AND THE ELEMENTS OF EACH GENRE) character trait, limerick, synonym. antonym, genre, exotic, fearsome, predator.
*Study the poem "A Bird Walked Down the Walk" by Emily Dickinson. Be able explain what is happening giving text evidence.
*Know definitions of following words: simple sentence, complex sentence, compound sentence, asking sentence, command sentence
coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, interjections, collective nouns, plural nouns,
*Review using comparative adjectives and comparative adverbs (in notebook and
**Be able to explain the changes in the main character in the book Emma's Rug by Allen Say.
*Know definitions of following words: autobiography, biography, narrative, opinion, reasons, time order words,
*Review the events in Henry's Freedom Box and be able to describe them in correct sequence.
*Study the similarities and differences between the autobiography and the biography on Ruby Bridges (listed in notebook)
*Review what we studied about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad.
*Review multiple meaning words (same word used as noun and verb)
eg. I had a roll for lunch. Did you roll on the floor?