Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Homework for March 17th and Easter Vacation

Dear Parents,
        As mentioned on my previous posted blog,  on Thursday all students need to bring in sturdy bags to pack up books on Thursday. Third graders must also bring in their $3.00 for the pizza party no later than Thursday or bring something of their own to eat!  Third graders must also bring in their own individual juice containers and ONE  snack large enough to share with the class.  Suggestions will be given in class on Thursday of what to bring.

       All third and fourth graders will be taking the ELA STATE TEST one day after their return from Easter vacation. All third and fourth graders have received review sheets on use of capital letters and use of transition words which have been stapled in their ELA notebooks.  I will be sending home a packet to each student of 3rd and 4th with TWO extended responses to be done based on the stories provided.  These are based on actual  sample questions given on state tests so they provide the best type of review.  I also provided a model of a sample essay including an introduction, conclusion, proper use of transtion words, and use of clearly stated factual details. "Extended responses" should be approximately as long as the model but MOST important is that students respond to the writing prompt (directions) COMPLETELY and CORRECTLY. Also, responses must be  IN THEIR OWN WORDS and BASED ON TEXT DETAILS.  There must also be reasonably good use of correct grammar. The introduction should include the name (s) of the stories in quotation marks and RESTATE the writing prompt so that the essay focuses on that prompt. The conclusion can be short and should be  based on the main idea of the essay. Students should use formal English, write COMPLETE SENTENCES, and not repeat the same information more than once!
Since I have only one day after vacation to review the completed assignment, I am not requiring more work. SO...  it is necessary that  students complete these two assignments to the best of their ability!             For any students who wish more practice I recommend working on pp. 5, 6, and 7  in Book 2 of previous ELA State Tests for short responses and proofreading activities.  The story to answer the questions in Book 2 is in the "Listening Selection." The websites are: for FOURTH GRADE
and for THIRD GRADE.

For Religion students should now print out the Unit 4 flash card words and definitions on www.sadlierrelgion/we for their grade and study these as well as review the words and definitions for Units 1, 2, and 3.  Assessments will be given on these when students return.
         For Easter vacation, I am  recommending strongly that SECOND GRADERS click on and  print out  pp. 5, 6, 7 from Book 2 for 2010, 2009, 2008 ELA State Tests and the story in the "Listening Selection" for each year and practice answering the questions to start preparing for next year!  These give practice in answering short responses based on a story and proofreading practice in grammar.
Students will receive credit toward their grade for completing these assignments for the years 2010 to 2008, as stated above..Second graders should also review the Domain 6 (Science) notes in ELA notebook.

For Religion students should now print out the Unit 4 flash card words and definitions on www.sadlierrelgion/we for second grade and study these as well as review the words and definitions for Units 1, 2, and 3.  Assessments will be given on these when students return.
      I will be listing grades for the Module 3 and Domain 4 tests as well as other work during the Easter vacation as soon as they can be corrected.  We begin Module 4 after vacation.  Second grade will continue work on Domain 6. I want to wish everyone a very Happy Easter!