Sunday, April 17, 2016

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th for April 18 to 22

Dear Parents,
        This Friday dismissal is at 12:00 for report card distribution.  Parent -Teacher Conferences will be held from 1:00 to 7:00 p.m. Students in each grade should prepare for assessments only in Religion this week since we are just beginning a new module in ELA. Second grade DOES need to study the vocabulary for Domain 6 which we are finishing this week.

4/19 REL - Study Chapter 2 including all key words. MEMORIZE EACH OF THE BEATITUDES AND KNOW THE MEANING OF ALL THE TERMS ON P. 35.
4/21 ELA- Read carefully Chapter 1 only of The Hope Chest and be ready to answer questions
about it. In Grammar Workshop answer on looseleaf p. 36 #1 to 4 and on p. 37 #17 to 28.  Be sure to follow directions for each section, list page numbers, and work neatly.  Sloppy work will not be accepted!

4/19 REL - Study Chapters 22 and 23 including all key words.  On looseleaf answer pp. 258 and 270.
4/21 ELA- In Grammar Workshop answer on looseleaf p. 40 #1-9.and on p. 41 #16 to 24.Be sure to follow directions for each section, list page numbers, and work neatly.  Sloppy work will not be accepted!

4/19 ELA - Review all vocabulary definitions and notes for Domain 6.  Assessment will continue tomorrow including writing sections on comparing/contasting using Venn diagams and explaining the any of the life cycles of nature that we studied: seasons, plants, trees, frog, butterfly, or water.

4/21 REL -  Assessment on the Ten Commandments! MEMORIZE and know how you obey each commandment! Also study Chapter 23. Answer p. 270 on looseleaf. For #9 and 10 write two separate sentences citing text evidence from the chapter you studied!

Please see below for this week's lesson plan if you wish:


