Dear Parents,
The MAP Reading test for first graders is scheduled for this Wed. ,so please practice Reading on Success Maker at every opportunity. Please have children bring back their corrected sheets on the three leveled readers by Tues. so I can file them. Math Test will most likely be on Thurs. We have Mass on Fri. at 9:00.
*Please click here to view this week's lesson plan.
Homework for Jan. 21 (Tues.)
Math- Do workbook pp 105 and 106. Look at p. 104 for help.
ELA - Read over the book Far from Home on the Pearson web site. On next notebook page copy the title and then the eight words and definitions. Study for an assessment.
Vocabulary for Far from Home
1. tidy- neat
2. tucked- pushed in, hidden
3. strange- unusual, weird
4. neatly- in an orderly way; the opposite of messily
5. exercise- movement like running, swimming, dancing
6. enjoy- like, to have fun
7. shocked- surprised
8. promised- agreed
Homework for Jan. 22 (Wed.)
Math- Review all corrected exit tickets for Math test tomorrow.
Science- On loose leaf write a full heading. Answer the two questions at the bottom of p. C19.
Homework for Jan. 23 (Thurs.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 109 and 110. Follow directions
ELA- Do Voyages pp. 67 and 68. Read directions carefully first!
***Please have children bring back their corrected sheets on the three leveled readers by Friday so I can file them. Dress down ok!
***Since our Religion Fair presentation is next Wed. I am preparing students by teaching them about the miracles Jesus performed. Each student will be assigned one miracle to write a sentence about and be able to discuss at the fair. A test on Jesus' miracles will be given at the end of next week. Please make sure your children watch the following video. Click on this link
Homework for Jan. 24 (Fri.)
No Math homework tonight!
Reading Test next week. Read over Far from Home on the Pearson website. Be sure to study the vocabulary definitions in your notebook. The definitions are also listed above.
Social Studies- Review pp. 104 to 115 for test next week. Be sure to know the following definitions: plains, mountains, hills, rivers, oceans, lakes, order.
weather (rainy, sunny, windy)
season (fall, winter, spring, summer)
directions (north, south, east, west)
Religion Quiz next week on Jesus' miracles. Watch the video again. On Monday I will send home some sheets to read about this topic.
Next Tues. we have Open House and parents can visit the classroom between 9:00 to 11:00 (Students have gym till 9.) On Wed. we have our Religion Fair at 9:00 if parents want to come. On Thurs. report cards will be distributed and then on Friday dismissal will be at 12:00 so we can have Parent -Teacher Conferences from 2:00 to 6:00. Parents should bring their child's report card to the meeting!