Dear Parents,
As I stated on last week's blog on Tues. we have Open House and parents can visit the classroom between 9:00 to 11:00 (Students have gym till 9.) On Wed. we have our Religion Fair at 9:00 if parents want to come. On Thurs. report cards will be distributed and then on Friday dismissal will be at 12:00 so we can have Parent -Teacher Conferences from 2:00 to 6:00. Parents should bring their child's report card to the meeting! On Friday students will also receive free hot chocolate!
The Reading Test on Far from Home will be on Tues. The Social Studies Quiz will be on Wed.
The Religion Quiz on Jesus' miracles will be on Thurs.
Please click on link to view this week's lesson plan.
Homework for Jan. 27 (Mon.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 113 and 114. Read ALL directions on top of p. 114.
ELA- Reading Test tomorrow on Far from Home . Read over the book and study the vocabulary definitions in the notebook.
***Students should practice reading the four stories on the sheets about Jesus' miracles by Wed. before the fair.
*Gym tomorrow.
Homework for Jan. 28 (Tues.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 117 and 118. Follow work done on previous two pages.
Social Studies- Quiz tomorrow. Review pp. 104 to 115 for test next week. Be sure to know the following definitions: plains, mountains, hills, rivers, oceans, lakes, order.
weather (rainy, sunny, windy)
season (fall, winter, spring, summer)
directions (north, south, east, west)
***Religion Fair is tomorrow at 9:00. Parents are invited. Students should study the two sheets on the four miracles I sent home and watch the video again so they will be prepared to talk about their project a tomorrow and pass their quiz on Thursday.
Homework for Jan. 29 (Wed.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 121 and 122. Fill all boxes and all blanks.
Science- On loose leaf write a full heading. Answer questions 1 to 7 on pp. C22 and C23. Follow directions. Make sure you answer last three questions in complete sentences.
Religion- quiz on Jesus' miracles tomorrow. Review stories on sheets and video.
Homework for Jan. 30 (Thurs.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 3 and 4 in the new workbook.
ELA- In Voyages workbook do pp. 76 and 77. Be sure to read and follow directions.
***Dismissal tomorrow is at 12:00. Parent -Teacher Conferences are from 2:00 to 6:00. Parent please bring your child's report card to the meeting!!!
Homework for Jan. 31 (Fri.)
***Next week there will be a Science Quiz on Wed. Those of you have books study pp. C 4 to C 23. Be sure to know predict, thermometer, temperature, constellations, sunrise, sunset, moon phases (new moon, full moon, crescent moon) Know all about how the sun, the earth, and the moon. Those of you who do not have a book will take it home on Monday to study.
***Next week there will also be a Grammar Quiz on Friday. Study Voyages pp. 60 to 83. We will be finishing the pages next week in class.