Sunday, February 2, 2020

Homework for Feb. 3 to 7

Dear Parents,
         This Monday we are having a prayer service for the feast of St. Blaise at 9:00.  All students will have their throats blessed.  The HONORS ASSEMBLY will take place right after that.  Hopefully you'll read this in time if you wish to attend.
          I must ask all parents to make an extra effort to get your children to school BEFORE PRAYERS.  Too many students have been arriving during or even after prayers day after day! School rules state that students are to go to the auditorium when they arrive.  I pick up students there, bring them to the classroom, and then we go down to church together as a class. I will be taking students down at 7:50 so please make sure your child is on the line with us!
          This is a reminder that we are having a Science Quiz on Wed.  and a Grammar Quiz on Thurs.   On Friday we have 12:00 dismissal.  This is why I  changed the last quiz for Thurs.  Please have your students bring in a 12 inch ruler since we are working on measuring for this  Math module.

Please click here to view this week's lesson plan.

Homework for Feb. 3 (Mon.)
Math - Do workbook pp. 8, 9, and 10.  Note that there are three pages! Sorry for the previous error.
ELA - In Voyages answer  p. 86.

***Science Quiz on Wed.  Those of you who took books today study pp. C 4 to C 23. Be sure to know  predict, thermometer, temperature, constellations, sunrise, sunset, moon phases (new moon, full moon, crescent moon)  Know all about how the sun, the earth, and the moon.

Homework for Feb. 4 (Tues.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 15, 16, and 17.  Note  again that there are three pages!
Science- Review for quiz tomorrow.  See information above.

***Yesterday 23 students arrived on time for morning prayers!  A big THANK YOU to all parents for your cooperation in this matter!  Please do your best so this continues.

Homework for Feb. 5 (Wed.)
Math-  Do workbook pp. 21, 22, and 23.  Again there are three pages!  For the first two pages make sure you use only the centimeter strip we used in class which is in the folder.

ELA- Grammar quiz tomorrow!  Study Voyages pp. 86, 87, and 88  Review all errors on p. 86 so you don't make them again on the quiz!

Homework for Feb. 6 (Thurs.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 27, 28, and 29.  Yes, again three pages!  Read carefully!!!!

Social Studies-  On the loose leaf write a full heading. Look on textbook pp. 116 to 118. Write the word Countries and under it write the names of the three countries.  Then write the word Continents and under it the names of the seven continents.  Then write the word Oceans and under it the names of the four oceans.  Make sure you write each starting with  a capital letter and be sure to spell each correctly and neatly.
***Please remember that dismissal tomorrow is at 12:00.

Homework for Feb. 7 (Fri.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 34 and 35.  Use your centimeter strip to measure.
ELA- On the Pearson website read over the book Going to School. Then on your next notebook page write the title first and then the copy the following vocabulary words and their definitions neatly and correctly.  Study them for a brief assessment on Monday.

                                               Vocabulary for Going to School
1. countries- nations
2. villages- towns
3. languages- words, vocabulary
4. community- neighborhood
5. library- place that loans books
6. ballet- dance with graceful movements
7. diagrams- drawings (often with labels)
8.  city- an urban area

***Next week  there is no school on Thurs., Fri., and the following Mon.  On Wed. the first grade will have their musical presentation at 9:00 and then a min-Valentine party in the afternoon.  Students should wear red or pink clothes on Wed. and can bring in one small bag of chocolate kisses, hearts, or small Valentine treat to share if they wish.  Valentine cards or stickers are also allowed.