Dear Parents,
A reminder that this Monday is Dr. Seuss Day so children may dress up as one of his characters. The contest for our class is at 10:00. There will also be a BAKE SALE in case students want to bring in a dollar or two. This week there will be a Religion Quiz on Tues. and Math Test on Wed. The test folder and Progress Report will be sent home Thursday. There is NO SCHOOL THIS FRIDAY, so test folder and Progress Report each must be signed and returned on Monday. I am sending home the Sight Word List that I mentioned on Friday. Parents should make a copy and leave the original sheet in the back panel of the folder. Students will be assigned to learn the spelling of five words every day and will be tested in a Spelling Bee at the end of each week.
I will be checking also that all students have their supplies this week including erasers for their white boards, a set of sharpened colored pencils, 3 sharpened pencils with erasers, and a marker that works.
*Please click on this link to view this week's lesson plan.
Homework for Mar. 2 (Mon.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 17 and 18. See previous two pages as a guide.
Religion- Review Chapter 10 for quiz tomorrow.
***Study how to spell the first five words on the list: about, after, again, also, another
Homework for Mar. 3 (Tues.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 21 and 22. On p. 21 draw quick tens and ones for each and on p. 22 draw lines to match. Review corrected exit tickets for End of Module 3 Quiz tomorrow.
***Study how to spell the next five words on the list: any, ask, back, because, been
Science- On loose leaf write a full heading. Answer the two questions on p. D 9 in complete sentences.
Homework for Mar. 4 (Wed.)
***NO Math homework tonight!
Religion- Answer p. 236 in the workbook. Follow ALL directions!
Social Studies- On loose leaf write a full heading. Answer all four questions on p. 149 in complete sentences.
***Study how to spell the next five words on the list: before, by, could, day, each. Spelling Bee tomorrow on first 15 words on the list.
Homework for Mar. 5 (Thurs.) NO SCHOOL FRIDAY!
Math- Do pp. 27 and 28. Follow all directions!
Grammar- In Voyages book answer pp. 103 and 104. Follow all directions!
***Study how to spell the next five words on the list: every, find, first, from, funny.
****Parent, please sign Progress Report and send it in on Monday. It will be returned to you.
Also please sign each test and return them all in the same folder. There are TEN tests: two Religion, two Reading, two Math, 1 Writing, 1 Phonics, 1 Social Studies, and 1 Science.
***Here is a link to the child's version of the Stations of the Cross that I showed in class and that you should watch again at home to prepare for the Religion Quiz next week. Please click on this Stations of the Cross link