Sunday, December 14, 2014

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades for 12/15 to 12/19

Dear Parents,
         Please read previous blog on "Notices for 12/15" if you have not done so. Third graders should send in their five dollars for the pizza party by  Wed.  Please  also send in strong plastic or fabric  bag, with child's name on it, to pack up books by Wed. as well. Lessons and Carols is on Friday at 8:30 a.m. if you wish to attend.
        Please see below for this week's homework.

ELA 12/16 Watch the video of  the book The Keeping Quilt on  and then on looseleaf write  a heading  and answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. Why did Anna's mother decide to make a quilt?
2. How was the quilt used on the Sabbath?
3. Why did Patricia's mother tell her how the quilt became a part of their family?
4. How did Patricia use the cape after her mom told her that story?
5. Why do you think this book is titled The Keeping Quilt?

REL 12/18 Print out the Unit 3 flash card definitions on  and put them on 3 by 5 index cards as you did before for the previous units. Study these definitions and review the cards from Unit 1 and 2.  Memorize the Ten Commandments.

ELA 1216 Watch the video of the book The Boy Who Loved Words on  and then on looseleaf write a heading and answer the following questions:
1. Choose any five unknown words from the book, look up their definitions, and write their meaning.
2. Give two  examples of alliteration from the book.
3. What do you think is the boy's motivation?
4. What do you think is the lesson of the story?
5. Why do you think this is the lesson?

REL 12/18 Print out the Unit 3 flash card definitions on  and put them on 3 by 5 index cards as you did before for the previous units. Study these definitions and review the cards from Unit 1 and 2.  Memorize the Ten Commandments.

ELA 12/16 Watch the video of the fairy tale The Fisherman and His Wife  on  and then on looseleaf write a heading and answer the following questions:
1. How do you know the story is a fairy tale?
2. What is the setting of the story?
3. How does the fisherman feel about asking for more wishes?
4. How does the flounder's feelings change each time he grants a wish?
5. What lesson can we learn from this story?

REL 12/18 Print out the Unit 3 flash card definitions on  and put them on 3 by 5 index cards as you did before for the previous units. Study these definitions and review the cards from Unit 1 and 2.  Memorize the Ten Commandments and the Act of Contrition circled in the back of the text book.