Saturday, December 6, 2014

Notices for Mon., Dec 8th

Dear Parents,
         Please remember that our THIRD GRADE school Mass is this Monday,  Dec. 8th. Several students were given parts to do and have practiced in class.  I am  adding an introduction for our Mass and THIS IS ONLY FOR ANY STUDENT WHO DOES NOT HAVE A PART and would like to participate.    I am printing it below to give those third grade students a chance to PRACTICE READING IT.  I will have try outs on  Monday morning and one student  will be chosen.  Any student who has not had a part at this Mass will be chosen for some other event during the school year so please don't be disheartened.
Below is the introduction for the beginning of Mass:
    Today we celebrate the feast day of the Immaculate Conception of our Blessed Mother.   It is a holy day of obligation in which we recognize that Mary was born without original sin.  God granted her this special grace because she was to be the mother of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  As this feast occurs early in Advent, it is a perfect time to consider Mary and her important role in the celebration of Christmas!
          Please remember also that during Advent THIRD AND FOURTH GRADERS will be doing their Advent confessions together as a class soon so please review, as we will be doing in class next week as well.  This includes knowing HOW TO EXAMINE ONE'S CONSCIENCE, the steps of Reconciliation: CONFESSION, CONTRITION, PENANCE, AND ABSOLUTION, as well as reviewing THE ACT OF CONTRITION.
           Please check later on for vocabulary definitions for each class that will need to be reviewed for next week.  There will be no quiz on Monday but there will be a daily assessment after we review as well as an ELA quiz for all classes next Friday.

text structure - the way in which  a reading passage  n is organized  eg. sequential order, cause and effect, or   compare and contrast
author's purpose - reason for writing  eg. to inform, to entertain, to persuade
inference - a conclusion based on text evidence
summarize  - to write a short version of a story giving only  the most important details
cause - why something happens                    
effect - what happens
erosion (n) - the break down of land by wind or water
weathering (n) - the wearing away of rocks caused by weather
glacier (n) - an ice mass
basin (n) - a low lying area of the earth's surface
deteriorate (v)- to become worse

flow chart - a graphic organizer for listing events in sequence
sequence - the correct order of events
dialogue - conversation between characters in a story
compare/contrast - stating similarities and differences
adjective- word describing a noun, eg.  such as number , color, size
adverb - word describing a verb telling how, when, or where
culture (n)- beliefs, traditions, and behavior of a group of people
ruins (n)- parts of a building or structure that remains after it has been destroyed
mummy (n)- a dead body wrapped in a cloth that has been preserved
preserved (v)- saved and kept in the same condition
royal (adj) - relating to a king or queen

biography - a story about a person's life
compare and contrast - to state similarities and differences
sequence - correct order of events
detail - piece of information in  a story
collective noun -  a word meaning a group of people or things  eg. flock, tribe, herd
shelter (n) - a place that protects animals
moist (adj) - slightly wet, damp
locate (v) - to find
adult (n)- a grown up
squash (n) - a  kind  of vegetable such as acorn or butternut squash or pumpkin