Please see below for Tuesday's homework and check back
Rel - Complete the three paragraph essay on the commandment you were assigned. Bring in the pictures and put them on standard construction paper.
Spel- Study Study the spelling and practice writing the following words in script for the next Spelling quiz on Friday::especially, familiar, favorite, lightning, necessary, realize, strengthen, opposite, experience, interrupt
Spel- Study the spelling and practice writing the following words in script for the next Spelling quiz on Friday: another, does, ready, believe, friendly, thought, caught, important, usually, question
Handwriting - Do pp. 88-89 NEATLY!
Spel -Study the following words for the next Spelling test on Friday and review their meanings in Voyages Workbook pp. 192-194: right, write, dear, deer, ate , eight, here, hear, new, knew, tail, tale
Handwriting - Do pp. 36 -37 NEATLY!