Saturday, November 21, 2015

Homework for Week of Nov. 22 to 27

Dear Parents,
         A reminder that students from 2nd, 3rd, and 4th should do the work assigned on IXL this weekend using their own username and password. I will be checking  their work on line on Monday.
The Religion quiz on Chapter  8 will be given next week but there will be no ELA quiz until after Thanksgiving.  The last  ELA and Religion TESTS students took will be sent home next week after students have an opportunity to rewrite their essay in class based on the corrections and suggestions I made on their papers.  This will be give them an opportunity to learn from their mistakes.  BOTH ELA AND RELIGION TESTS NEED TO BE RETURNED SIGNED ON NOV. 30th TO BE KEPT ON FILE FOR LATER STUDY.
        In this quarter all students will be required to do an ELA project based on research. I have brought several library books as samples of good sources of information.   Each project which will be done in parts to be totally completed before Christmas.  Students are expected to do their best but some errors are fine. We learn from them!  Instructions to each class  for completing the FIRST part  of the project are listed below.

 Each student has already been assigned an animal to research.
*Find a picture on images  (preferably in color) of the animal. You may find two pictures if you wish to show two different types of that animal.  Find an additional picture that shows an action shot (this animal using its defense mechanism).  Glue these pictures on a sheet of standard size construction paper along with the name of the animal as a title and your own name at the bottom. This will be called their cover sheet.
*On one sheet of loose leaf write an informational page based on your research on the animal. Begin with  a title: name of animal  (not your name).  Then  write  two paragraphs of 6 sentences each describing its physical characteristics, its habitat,  its defense mechanism, and  the name of one or more of its predators. Your name goes at the end of the essay.  Students may bring in a printed page to show where they found their research if they wish.
These two assignments cover the first part of the project due no later than Nov. 30th.
*After Thanksgiving students will continue their project in class listing resources, writing a narrative of a predator/prey encounter, sharing research, comparing/contrasting facts, etc.

 Next week each student will be assigned a country to  research.  Some good sources would be the National Geographic Countries of the World series,  the True Books series from Scholastic available in libraries and Time for kids online. You may also google the country's facts for kids for more options.
* Find  three pictures (preferably in color) on images showing different aspects of the culture of that country. These may include special customs on holidays, traditional food,  clothing, dances, sports, tourist attractions, religious practices, etc. How to do this will be explained in class.  Glue these pictures on a sheet of standard size construction paper  along with the name of the country as a title and your own name at the bottom. This will be called their cover sheet.
*On one sheet on looseleaf write an informational page based on your research on that country.  Begin with a title: name of country (not your name). Then write two paragraphs of  5 sentences each
describing some of the traditions and customs typically associated with that country. Your name goes at the end of the essay.  Students may bring in a printed page to show where they found their research if they wish.
These two assignments cover the first part of the project due no later than Nov. 30th.
*After Thanksgiving students will continue their project in class listing resources, writing a letter to an author describing their country, sharing research, comparing/contrasting facts, etc.

Parents, I realize that many of you may be incredulous at the topics your students are required to learn about now as second graders but this is the case! Several of the topics have been covered already and the rest will be within the next three weeks. Each student will be assigned ONE topic like those listed below to research on a "kid-friendly" website or book. Examples will be shown and discussed  in class.  Some sample topics are listed below:
*Describe practices of  Hinduism.
*Describe practices of Buddhism.
*Describe the characters and setting  and explain the plot and moral of the folktale  "The Tiger, the Brahman, and the Jackal."
*Describe the characters and setting and explain the plot, moral, and rhyme scheme of "The Blind Men and the Elephant"
*Explain the steps for making silk.
*Explain the teachings of Confucius.
*Describe the Great Wall of China.
*Explain the invention of paper.
*Describe the  Chinese New Year.
*Compare and contrast following religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and their holidays
*Explain Chinese writing calligraphy
*Explain reincarnation and compare to the Resurrection
* Provide information on early American civilizations (eg. Maya, Aztec, Inca)
*Explain the importance of the Indus River in India or the Yellow River in China.
*Explain Diwali

* Google your topic and click on images to find two or three appropriate and meaningful pictures related to your topic.  Glue these on one standard size construction paper . Be sure to include a title which can be clearly seen and your name at the bottom.  This will be called your cover sheet.
*After the topics have been discussed and assigned in class, each student will be asked to research information in a children's book or web site  intended for children (eg. google Diwali  for kids) and make a bulleted list of eight  interesting FACTS they wish to use in  their speech and  to include in  their paragraph  to be written in class. Students should be ready to explain words they use. This  assignment is due no later than Nov. 30th.
Students should not copy countless paragraphs they don't understand, but rather make a bulleted list of  interesting facts they do understand.