Monday, November 30, 2015

UPDATED Homework for Nov. 30 to Dec.4 for 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Dear Parents,  
         Please be sure to read the previous blog giving details on our ELA project for all classes.

12/1 On looseleaf write Vocabulary as a title.  Then write five vocabulary words related to your assigned animal and next to each an easy- to- understand definition. On another looseleaf  write Animal Adventure as a title. Write the made up name of your character animal and the name of the  one predator he will be defending himself from.   Then list 3 to 4   bullets  describing your animal's characteristics, personality, behavior, etc. Then list  another  5 to 6 bullets describing how your assigned animal uses its defense mechanisms against its predator  (These must be based on actual research- based  FACTS.   This organizer will be used in class tomorrow to help you  write your  three- paragraph narrative.  A helpful website is
 Religion Quiz Wed. on Chapter 8.
You may wish to  check out the following two sites:  and

12/3 On looseleaf answer Grammar Workshop p. 113 B #1-6 (Write adjective and noun) and p. 153 B  #1-6.  Complete the picture of your animal on blank white paper.
FOR ELA QUIZ STUDY Grammar Workshop pp. 180-181 and pp. 84-85 and Phonics pp. 28-29 and  last vocabulary words in notebook.
ALL assigned parts of the project done so far are to be completed and turned in tomorow without fail

12/1 On looseleaf write Vocabulary as a title.  Then write five vocabulary words related to your country's culture and next to each an easy- to- understand definition.  Be sure to have your informational page done or bring in any print outs you made so that tomorrow we can start on the letter to an author in which you will be describing various aspects of your  assigned country's culture.
Religion Quiz Wed. on Chapter 8.

12/3 On looseleaf answer Grammar Workshop p. 129 B #1-8. Complete the picture of your assigned  country's flag on blank white paper.
FOR ELA QUIZ STUDY Grammar Workshop pp.104 to 106 and 108 to 110 and Phonics pp. 39-40
 and  last vocabulary words in notebook.
ALL assigned parts of the project done so far are to be completed and turned in tomorow without fail

12/1 On looseleaf write Vocabulary as a title.  Then write five vocabulary words related to your assigned topic and next to each an easy to understand definition. Complete the picture related to your topic on white drawing paper.
Religion Quiz Wed. on Chapter 8.

12/3  On looseleaf answer Superkids Workbook pp. 84 and 87 (answers only)
FOR ELA QUIZ STUDY in ELA notebook study which irregular past tense verbs follow a helping verb (has, have, had) like  gone, done, given, eaten. Also study which irregular past tense verbs do not need a helping verb like went, did, gave, ate.  Also know the different meanings for train.  Also review all vocabulary words from  Diwali  to venture. In Phonics review p. 61.
All assigned parts of the project done so far are due tomorrow without fail!  These include five pages: cover sheet (with project's title, child's name, and  pictures), Vocabulary page (5 words with definitions), Organizer page (with bulleted list of 8 facts on their topic), Paragraph (based on the information on the organizer with title of the topic on top), child's drawing (based on the topic).  SIX STUDENTS IN SECOND GRADE HAVE NOT COMPLETED THIS WORK!!!