Saturday, January 2, 2010

Review Notes for Mid-term Exams for Second Grade

Know the definitions for the following words:
budget, symbol, graph, income, vote, law, tax, flag, rule, senses
transportation, community,direction, neighborhood, island

Know the difference between the following pairs:
continent/ocean; lake/river; map/globe; urban/rural; capital/capitol
wants/needs; service/product

Look up the answers to the following:
* How many continents are there? What are their names?
* What is the name of our country? our state? our city?
* Who is the leader of our country? our state? our city?
* What information do we find on a map key?
* What are two different types of graphs?
*What direction is Canada in relation to the United States? What direction is Mexico?

*Be able to explain how a community can change over time by describing the following:
~the kind of community it becomes
~how people get their food
~growth of population

Know the definitions for the following words:
Church, commandments, sacraments, grace, parish
confession, penance, contrition, absolution, sin
Crucifixion, Resurrection, Pentecost, Alleluia

Know the difference between the following:
apostles/disciples; human/divine; Holy Family/Blessed Trinity; Christmas/Easter

Look up the answers to the following:
*What does the name Jesus mean?
*What does faith help us do?
*On what day did the Holy Spirit come to the disciples? What day is the birthday of the Church?
*What sin are we all born with? How did it begin? When is it removed?
*Can a sin be committed by accident?
*Who gave us the ten commandments? Who gave us the seven sacraments?

Be prepared to explain what happens in each of the sacraments:
Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation
Sacraments of Healing: Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick
Sacraments of Service: Matrimony, Holy Orders
Sample questions: In which sacrament are godparents present? What is an important symbol used at Baptism? In which sacrament do we receive Jesus?

Be prepared to write a paragraph for each of the following:
*ONE of Jesus' parables - explain what happens and what message it gives us on how to live
*ONE of the ten commandments - write the commandment and explain how to follow it
*ONE of the sacraments - name sacrament, explain symbols used, people present, and what happens