Sunday, January 3, 2010

Review Notes for Mid-Term Exams for Fourth Grade

Know the definitions of the following words:
ancestor, economy, prehistory, heritage, colony, natural resource, mayor
climate, time line, clan , ally, tax, artifact, sachem, elevation, conservation

Know the difference between the following pairs:
geography/history; plain/plateau; longitude/latitude; meridians/parallels;
cause/effect; renewable/nonrenewable resources (examples of each); governor/mayor

Be able to answer the following questions:
*What is people's way of life called? What does it include?
*What are some forms of percipiation?
*What geographical features were left behind by the glaciers?
*How many regions is New York divided into?
*In what part of the US is New York State located? Give intermediate direction .
*Which body of water is on New York's northern border?
*Where was the first European settlement in New York?
*Who was the first European to reach New York?
*Why did the Dutch West India Company want the colonists to go to New York?
*Who was responsible for making the Iroquois enemies of the French?
*Who bought Manhattan from the Native Americans?
*What freedom was won in the Zenger trial?

*Be able to explain what influenced the growth of New York during the early colonial period
by describing the following:
~how fur trade encouraged setters to come
~how the Native American used the natural resources
~how the colonists used the natural resources
~what waterways the colonists settled near

Know the definitions of the following words:
temptation, sin, conscience, free will, mission, grace, justice
Incarnation, Kingdom of God, Pentecost, Beatitudes

Know the difference between the following terms:
original sin, mortal sin, venial sin, sin of commission, sin of omission, social sin
confession, contrition, penance, absolution
Holy Family/Blessed Trinity; apostles/disciples

Be able to answer the following questions:
*What was the title given to Jesus for saving us?
*What do we receive in the sacrament of Reconciliation?
*What should we do before we confess our sins?
*Does Baptism free us from any sins?
*Can we sin by failing to act?
*Are there some sins that God cannot forgive?
*Who makes up the Church?
*What do the gospels in the New Testament tell us?
*In the Beatitudes, what does the word blessed mean?
*What is the freedom that comes from loving and knowing God?

*Be prepared to write a paragraph about each of the following:
ONE of Jesus' parables - explain the parable and describe a similar situation today
ONE of the last three commandments - write the commandment and explain how it
can be applied in your life
ONE of the Beatitudes - write the Beatitude and give examples of how you have seen
someone living that Beatitude
