Sunday, February 9, 2014

IMPORTANT NOTICE for Mon., Feb. 10 for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th graders

Dear Parents,                                                                       RECHECK FOR UPDATE!
        Please be aware that there will be a Religion Quiz on Monday, Feb. 10 for all grades.   Please see study guide below.
FOURTH - Know the meaning of all key words used in any of the commandments; eg. adultery, covet,... Be able to recognize any commandment by it number and recite it.  MEMORIZE Jesus' two Great Commandments AND his  New Commandment.
THIRD - Know the names of the THREE Sacraments of Initiation  and the TWO Sacraments of Healing.  Know the meaning of following vocabulary:  saint, covenant, rite, parable, miracle,  Annunciation,  Assumption,  Confirmation, Eucharist, Baptism.
SECOND - MEMORIZE all Ten Commandments and be able to associate each one with its meaning as shown on pp.112 and 115 in text book or in notebook.  Practice especially the longer commandments such as the first.  Study Jesus' Two Great Commandments.
          This coming week there will be a 9:00 Mass on Tuesday.  The Interim (on computer) test in Math will be on Tuesday and the Interim ELA  test will be on Wednesday.   Last week's ELA quiz will be given on Thurs.  No quiz is scheduled for this Friday so far.  There will be a bake sale on Thursday for students who wish to buy treats. On Friday students can wear some pink  or red clothes; no nut card needed.  We may have a pizza party on Friday for Valentine's Day.  Students should bring $3.00 and their own juice.  Any student who wishes may bring in Valentine candy such as chocolate hearts, cookies, cupcakes.  Please do not send in any large cakes or big bottles of juice.
          Please check back by Tues. night for a study guide for the ELA quizzes for Thursday & Friday.  PLEASE CHECK NEW HOMEWORK BLOG FOR  2/10 to 2/14