Saturday, January 20, 2018

Homework for Jan. 22 to 26 for Class 1-2

Dear Parents,
         Our Religion Fair is next Wed., Jan. 31.  We are preparing a display board on Jesus'  miracles.  I am sending home four reading selections for them to read and study. There will be several quizzes this week: Religion on Tues.,  Math on Wed., and Science on Fri.  Please keep checking the blog for updates.  Remember that there is 12:00 dismissal this Mon.

Lesson Plan

Homework for Jan. 22
Phonics - Read pp. 117-118. Answer pp. 119 and 120. SKIP  pp 115-116.
Religion - Quiz on Tuesday.  Study Chapter 8 especially p. 103 meaning of different parts of prayer. Be able to write about one of Jesus' miracles.

Homework for Jan. 23
Math - Do pp. 121 and 122. Look at work done on previous pp. 119-120 as a guide.
*** Study all exit tickets 22 to 29 and workbook pp.  91 to 122 for Math End of the Module Assessment tomorrow.
ELA - Study the meaning of the following vocabulary words in the notebook:
1. countries - nations; places on a map or globe
2.  villages- towns; small areas where people live
3. community- neighborhood
4. languages- ways to communicate; English, Spanish, French. Italian
5. weather- sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy
6. native- related to a country
***Anyone who missed Handwriting today must do pp. 22-23 by this Friday!
***ALL FIRST GRADERS had their vision checked today.  Some students got envelopes regarding the results.  Please ask if your child received one.

Homework for Jan. 24
Math- Review all exit tickets 22 to 29 and workbook pp. 91 to 122 for End of Module Test.  I decided to postpone the test one day in order to give all more time to review better. The test is difficult and covers many skills!
Phonics- Do pp. 121 and 122.  On p. 122 write THREE complete sentences.
Science- Review last page of Science definitions in notebook for quiz on Friday.
*** Those who missed Handwriting must do pp. 24, 25, 26, 27 by this Friday!
*** Next week Open House is 9 to 11 on Monday for anyone who wishes to visit. Wednesday is the Religion Fair.  Thursday report cards will be distributed. Friday we have 12:00 dismissal and Parent Teacher Conferences will be held from 3:00 to 8:00 pm in the Science room.

Homework for Jan. 25
Science - STUDY WELL all Science definitions in the notebook for QUIZ tomorrow: wind, cloud, temperature, thermometer, season, drought, blizzard, forecast, hurricane.  Be sure you know the steps of the water cycle in correct order, and the correct order of the seasons.  Be able to explain how we made a thermometer in our lab period.
Phonics - Read p. 125.  Do pp. 126 and 127.
No Math tonight!
*Please check that your children have TWO ALREADY SHARPENED PENCILS WITH ERASERS, dry erase markers THAT WORK and a set of sharpened colored pencils EVERY DAY! Thank you!

Homework for Jan. 26
ELA- Reading Quizzes must be given on Monday.  Be sure to study well all ELA vocabulary definitions in the notebook:  countries, villages, community, neat, enjoy, strange, diagram, library, ballet, synonym, antonym, language, native.  Be sure to study RWJ pp. 115, 122, and 134.
Students should also read Far From Home and Going to School  on (see card in folder for login info).  Choose ONE character from either book and think how their experiences at school are  alike and also how they are different from your experiences at school.
Math - Do pp. 3 and 4 in new workbook.
***I will be sending all quizzes home on Monday after they complete the ELA Writing test. Please sign and return by next Thursday.
***Anyone who missed Handwriting today must do pp. 28 and 29.  Books will be checked for all previous work and this for a final grade by Monday afternoon.