Friday, September 25, 2020

Homework and Notices for Week of Sept. 28 to Oct. 2

 Dear Parents,

           Workbooks are available for pick up this week for remote learners.  There are in total seven so far.  These are one Religion, one Math, one Reader's Writer's Journal, two Phonics, and two Handwriting.  Please bring a sturdy bag to pick them up. These workbooks are already downstairs by the office.  I will distribute these workbooks to in-class learners on Monday.  Four of these workbooks will be for daily class use and three will be used mostly for homework assignments. It is possible that one or two more books might be available for pick up in the coming week.  There will also be an additional packet of sheets starting Monday. 

            All students, both in-class and remote learners, should check their child's email on google classroom for their login information (username and password) for google classroom (for assignments and quizzes), pearsonrealize (for Reading), discoveryeducation (for Science and Social Studies) and a Math link.  All of these have been sent to you.  I will be sending one more for Religion this weekend. 

           Any quizzes posted on google classroom need to be done ONCE ONLY-- TOGETHER DURING CLASS TIME. If a student is not present during class time, they ARE NOT ALLOWED to take the test on their own later.   Parents are ONLY to assist their children in giving directions on HOW to enter responses using the computer but not in their school work.  

****I will starting posting assignments for workbook pages by Wednesday so please try to pick up all workbooks by then. You may come any day from 3:00 to 4:00.

             I will be posting homework on a daily basis on google classroom.  Homework is due the following day and grades will be recorded for each assignment. So for example, Monday's homework posted below is due on Tuesday

Homework for Mon. Sept. 28                                                                                                                

*Science - Study the vocabulary definitions on the page in your packet for a quiz this week.  

 *Social Studies- Study the vocabulary definitions on this same page in your packet for quiz this week. 

***Please pick up the seven workbooks and new Math packet before this Wed.

 *Mass tomorrow, Tuesday at 9:00 for all students so the schedule must be adjusted.

****Please see school blog regarding rules for all remote learners!

Monday, September 21, 2020

Homework for Week of Sept. 21 to 25

 Dear Parents,

          I had to keep the index cards I prepared for the in-class learners because tomorrow morning ALL students (in-class and remote) will practice with me logging on to google classroom now that the chrome books are ready for use.  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY!                                                         Today, as I was about to give out the index cards, I noticed that several students either had the wrong folder  or NO FOLDER AT ALL.  The folder MUST have a transparent pocket in the front and in the back so I can insert the cards with  important log ins they will be using this year. In this way the card will be safe because students don't need to take it out in order to see it.   The folders with only the two pockets inside will NOT work because the cards will slip out and be lost.  So the first homework assignment is TO BRING THE CORRECT FOLDER TO CLASS. I will not be able to give out any cards or papers UNLESS students bring in this type of folder.  They are available in the school supply room. If your child brings in a dollar, I can also give you one if necessary.                                                                              Please remember to pick up the new packet which are on the table by the school office.  I left them for you today.  All remote learners should keep all their packets you  in a folder so pages are not lost.                       The homework for this week is to study the vocabulary definitions for Stellaluna on the Reading sheet and the Science vocabulary which is on the back of this same sheet.  You may also study the Religion notes for Chapter 1 (front and back).  You may also review the Math lessons we have completed which are Lessons 1 to 6.  Assessments will probably begin next week.  Prepare for them--start reviewing.  You have the notes you need.  



Sunday, September 20, 2020

Important Notices for Week of Sept. 21 to 25

 Dear Parents,

           As noted on the school blog, this Friday, Sept. 25, dismissal will be at 12:00 noon.  When checking my google classroom, I noticed that all remote learners HAVE accepted my invitation and so you are all in and ready.  However, three of my in-class learners have NOT.  It is very important that you do that this week because I have sent some important links there last week and have also sent your username and password for so have access to our Reading program.  I also sent the link for the Eureka Math student workbook for Module 1. You will need both in order to follow what we are doing in class and to review for any upcoming assessments.                                                                On Monday, I will place an index card in the folder of all in-class learners with the    username and password and the  username and password.  I will send you the Math link as soon as you accept my invitation to google classroom.  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CHECK YOUR CHILD"S FOLDER.  If you are still having trouble please see me at dismissal.                                                                                                                                          This past Friday, although I needed to be absent, I came to school to leave a folder with hard copies so that student copies could be made over the weekend. If they are ready, you will be able to pick them up this week.                                                                                                                                                         I will continue to use the slides and the same packet this week.  Please keep all your child's work in a folder including the packet with all completed pages and additional work done in class.   I  will be posting some homework this week which will require studying certain pages in your packet.                         Until further notice, student lunch period is from 12:45 to 1:30 and since it is also lunch period for all teachers, I will not be in the room at that time. A reminder to all remote learners that they should be in class mode. Students should be sitting up in a stationary chair in front of a table and with all their materials beside them. I should be able to see their faces at all time during instruction.  Thank you to all parents for your cooperation and patience during this difficult time.


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Notice to Parents for Sept. 18

 Dear Parents,

          As I explained  yesterday in zoom, I will not be able to conduct class this Friday. This is  due to an important personal matter that needs to be taken care of during business hours in the morning.  Since I live a distance from the school, Mr. Woods asked that I take the entire day off to take care of the matter. Class will resume on Monday for both my in-class and on-line learners, God willing.  Please have a nice weekend.  

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Important Notice to First Grade Parents:

 Dear Parents,

           Most of you have accepted my invitation to google classroom which includes ALL of  my remote learners (thanks).  However, it is also important that all my in person learners accept this invitation as well.  Six of you have not yet accepted my invitation.  For all of you who have responded I have sent your username and password for our Reading program: . I assigned the book Stellaluna.  as well as Lesson 1 of the Readers's Writer's Journal so you can view at home. Pages will be done in class.  In the journal you need to click on Menu on the top right in order to go to the next page. You will not be able to see these till 9/14 Mon. 

         I also sent you the link for the on-line Math workbook for Module 1.  I will also be sending one for our on-line Religion program by next week.  Just in case we must all go remote, it is very important that you all  are ready to use google classroom in order to continue instruction because this is where I would be posting assignments as well as communicating with you.  Please be sure that you use only to email me and I will respond using  your child's email on google classroom.  I want to make sure this works for all of us. 

      Hopefully all remote learners have picked up the packet I left on Friday at school near the office.  If not, please try to do so as soon as possible.  I plan to use it this week with all students.  In-person learners will receive their packets on Monday.  These packets should ONLY be used during class time! I cannot provide extra copies so please take care of them.  

     Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Information for Upcoming Week: Sept. 14-18

 Dear Parents,

          Before I left school today I prepared the packets for all our remote learners.  The packets include two emergency cards, five forms to be signed, a parent handbook (which you keep), a set of student worksheets for all subjects, as well as a useful name tag which should be kept for daily class use.  Mr. Woods informed me to leave these on a black table near the main office downstairs. There is a rubber band around each student's set of papers.  You should come to pick these up tomorrow.  Look at the name tag on the front of each set to choose the one that belongs to you. 

         I remind you that students should NOT do any of these worksheets. Keep the name tag and the set of student worksheets for daily class use.  Those of you who are attending in person will receive your set of sheets on Monday but I will keep these in class so I can correct them and ensure they are not lost.  I CANNOT MAKE ADDITIONAL COPIES IF LOST SO PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOUR SET OF COPIES. 

        Those of you present in person will find a cubby outside our classroom with a plastic box to keep extra markers, glue sticks, items not being used at the moment.  Later you will store your coats there as well. Students NEED to have sharpened pencils and either crayons or colored pencils for daily use.  MARKERS SHOULD ONLY BE USED OR THE PERSONAL WHITE BOARD. 

             Please order the personal white board from AMAZON for $4.99. I believe the one with the blue handle would be fine (as mentioned before).  You may also choose a different one if you wish.  Just make sure it is durable, double sided, and has a handle.

Below I am printing the daily classroom schedule I was presented.  Adjustments may need to be made due to circumstances that arise.

8:00 -8:15   Prayer / Pledge / Anthem

8:15-9:00    Religion

9:00-10:30   Math

10:30-12:00    ELA:  Reading/Grammar/Phonics

12:00-12:30  Student Lunch Period

12:45-1:30    Teacher Lunch Period

1:30-2:15   Science or Social Studies

2:15-3:00  Daily Walk

3:00-3:15  Prayer /  Dismissal

*Exception to this schedule n on Fridays: Daily Walk is 9:45 to 10:30  and Math has two sessions: 9:00 to  9:45 and 1:30 to 2:15.

        School is closed tomorrow for students so teachers can meet  to discuss and plan many matters, including google classroom.

Have a nice weekend. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

A Few Reminders

 Dear Parents,

           Thank you for your patience today as we make adjustments. I am still getting used to a new smart board as well as the new technology involved in teaching in person and remotely at the same time.  There was also a connectivity issue with the new board that came up.  

       I gave out a set to each child today which includes  a parent handbook (which you keep), TWO emergency cards and five sheets that need to be signed and returned to school.  It is VERY IMPORTANT that you sign and return the "Daily Health and Self-Screening..." sheet and the emergency filled in (front and back) as soon as possible.  The others can be sent in later if you wish.  Parents of remote learners must come to pick them up at school tomorrow.  

         I collected the loose leaf paper packs, construction paper, and cleaning materials to be stored in the classroom.  Students kept all their other materials.  A few students did not have a folder to put their important papers; other children had TOO many folders.  Please have your children bring in only ONE folder with clear panels in front and back as well as two bottom pockets inside.  Children also need to have all pencils SHARPENED and ready to use.  Colored pencils also need to be sharpened at home. Dry erase markers can only be used for their personal white board.  All packages should be opened at home and supplies placed in their pencil cases. 

       I noticed that eight of you have not yet accepted my invitation to google classroom.  It is important that ALL STUDENTS accept this invitation, even those of you in person in class, just in case we all need to go remote.   I will be posting assignments there in a few weeks just to make sure. 

               Please go ahead and order the personal paddle board white board for your child from Amazon.  The Quick Response White Board with blue handle for $4.99 seems fine.  If you  prefer something else, that is fine just as long it is about the same size, double sided, has a handle, and is durable.

          Since permission has not been given for books to be distributed yet, I did prepare packets of worksheets in all subjects.  However, all the sheets were stapled together back to back in random order.  I ask that when parents of remote learners pick up these packets,  PLEASE WAIT till I assign the work during class time. Then I will let you know which sheet your child should work on.   DO NOT  have your child work on these on their own.

         ALL students must have ONE folder,  3 sharpened pencils with erasers, and crayons or colored pencils for tomorrow.  

  A reminder that there is no school on Friday so that teachers can meet to make further plans. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Welcome to First Grade

 Dear Parents, 

          School begins tomorrow, Sept. 9  at 8:00 am. For more remote learners, please see invite information below for zooming in to class tomorrow. We also have  class regular time on Thursday. This Friday we are closed.

Please log on to zoom and enter the following:  Meeting ID: 99681258524  Pass code is 776668.  Please log in and stay in the waiting room till I let you in.  Be patient just in case!

This was set up as a recurring meeting so you can continue to use it every day.

The rest of you I will see in person -----six feet away---- masks on-----and  with a SMILE!

Everyone please bring your supplies. Please make EVERYTHING IS STORED IN YOUR CHILD'S ZIP LOCK BAG.  Clorox wipes will be stored away for class use as needed.

I invited you all to google classroom. Please accept my invitation so I can email you with the information you will need.  I see that some of you have sent me an email but I need to respond using your child's email so please accept my invitation to google classroom as you did last year so we can proceed.  Thank you.



Saturday, September 5, 2020

A Look Ahead

 Dear Parents,

         It was a pleasure meeting most of you via our zoom meeting on Friday and I want to welcome those I have not yet met.  Regarding your questions,  I  checked out the personal white boards on Amazon and ask that you wait before ordering. I will let you know Friday, Sept. 11 about ordering it as well as letting you know of any other updates.  You may definitely buy dry erase markers and a dry erase eraser. Please try to have all your child's supplies ready by Mon., Sept. 14.

          I have set up a username and password for each student for the Ready Gen program so that you will be able to access the books we will be using on-line as well as  the other ELA resources it provides. I will provide this information either by email or on the blog in a few days.    For the Eureka  Math program I sending you this info so that you can view the student workbook we will be using, but I ask that you do NOT have your child try to do work ahead of time. You may copy and paste the following on your address bar:

              I want to remind you that it is very important that if you send in a lunch or snack for your child, it MUST be something they can handle independently. Students should also have a  small zip lock bag in which to store their masks while they are eating. Students must keep socially distant during lunch (especially since they are not wearing their masks) which  means remaining in their seats, not interacting until better circumstances allow for it.

       Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend!