Dear Parents,
Workbooks are available for pick up this week for remote learners. There are in total seven so far. These are one Religion, one Math, one Reader's Writer's Journal, two Phonics, and two Handwriting. Please bring a sturdy bag to pick them up. These workbooks are already downstairs by the office. I will distribute these workbooks to in-class learners on Monday. Four of these workbooks will be for daily class use and three will be used mostly for homework assignments. It is possible that one or two more books might be available for pick up in the coming week. There will also be an additional packet of sheets starting Monday.
All students, both in-class and remote learners, should check their child's email on google classroom for their login information (username and password) for google classroom (for assignments and quizzes), pearsonrealize (for Reading), discoveryeducation (for Science and Social Studies) and a Math link. All of these have been sent to you. I will be sending one more for Religion this weekend.
Any quizzes posted on google classroom need to be done ONCE ONLY-- TOGETHER DURING CLASS TIME. If a student is not present during class time, they ARE NOT ALLOWED to take the test on their own later. Parents are ONLY to assist their children in giving directions on HOW to enter responses using the computer but not in their school work.
****I will starting posting assignments for workbook pages by Wednesday so please try to pick up all workbooks by then. You may come any day from 3:00 to 4:00.
I will be posting homework on a daily basis on google classroom. Homework is due the following day and grades will be recorded for each assignment. So for example, Monday's homework posted below is due on Tuesday.
Homework for Mon. Sept. 28
*Science - Study the vocabulary definitions on the page in your packet for a quiz this week.
*Social Studies- Study the vocabulary definitions on this same page in your packet for quiz this week.
***Please pick up the seven workbooks and new Math packet before this Wed.
*Mass tomorrow, Tuesday at 9:00 for all students so the schedule must be adjusted.
****Please see school blog regarding rules for all remote learners!