Dear Parents,
Before I left school today I prepared the packets for all our remote learners. The packets include two emergency cards, five forms to be signed, a parent handbook (which you keep), a set of student worksheets for all subjects, as well as a useful name tag which should be kept for daily class use. Mr. Woods informed me to leave these on a black table near the main office downstairs. There is a rubber band around each student's set of papers. You should come to pick these up tomorrow. Look at the name tag on the front of each set to choose the one that belongs to you.
I remind you that students should NOT do any of these worksheets. Keep the name tag and the set of student worksheets for daily class use. Those of you who are attending in person will receive your set of sheets on Monday but I will keep these in class so I can correct them and ensure they are not lost. I CANNOT MAKE ADDITIONAL COPIES IF LOST SO PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOUR SET OF COPIES.
Those of you present in person will find a cubby outside our classroom with a plastic box to keep extra markers, glue sticks, items not being used at the moment. Later you will store your coats there as well. Students NEED to have sharpened pencils and either crayons or colored pencils for daily use. MARKERS SHOULD ONLY BE USED OR THE PERSONAL WHITE BOARD.
Please order the personal white board from AMAZON for $4.99. I believe the one with the blue handle would be fine (as mentioned before). You may also choose a different one if you wish. Just make sure it is durable, double sided, and has a handle.
Below I am printing the daily classroom schedule I was presented. Adjustments may need to be made due to circumstances that arise.
8:00 -8:15 Prayer / Pledge / Anthem
8:15-9:00 Religion
9:00-10:30 Math
10:30-12:00 ELA: Reading/Grammar/Phonics
12:00-12:30 Student Lunch Period
12:45-1:30 Teacher Lunch Period
1:30-2:15 Science or Social Studies
2:15-3:00 Daily Walk
3:00-3:15 Prayer / Dismissal
*Exception to this schedule n on Fridays: Daily Walk is 9:45 to 10:30 and Math has two sessions: 9:00 to 9:45 and 1:30 to 2:15.
School is closed tomorrow for students so teachers can meet to discuss and plan many matters, including google classroom.
Have a nice weekend.