Dear Students,
Reminder: There is an ELA Quiz on Monday. It is important that all students STUDY (especially THIRD as the grades on recent past tests show a need for more review). Please refer to study guides below:
*Review following vocabulary: medieval, chivalry, dub, mount, feudal, vassal, peasant, page, squire, knight, noble.
*Review the qualities demonstrated by knights being able to cite evidence from literature such as in St. George and the Dragon .
*Read the entire book My Father's Dragon YES, all ten chapters! Copy and paste this site on address bar : If you have trouble, google the title of the book.
*Review the character traits of the different animals in the book.
*Review how each of the items in Elmer's knapsack were used to help each animal character in the book.
*Review how to summarize a chapter using the Somebody-Wanted-But-So strategy.
*Review following vocabulary: adjective, line, stanza, rhyming words, alliteration, opinion, imaginary.
*Review how to identify the adjective in a sentence whether it is before or after the noun (eg. Many girls came. The sky is beautiful.
*Review when to use -er or -est as a suffix at the end of an adjective when comparing.
*Review how to write an imaginary story or fantasy.