Dear Parents,
If you have not done so, please BE SURE to read the previous blog on "Notices for...March 23rd." Below is the homework for Tuesday and please check back for vacation homework on Thursday!
3/24 Copy these definitions in ELA notebook following the definitions given last week:
*root - main part of a word
*plaque- sticky build up on artery walls
*immune system - body's defense against diseases
*withstand - able to survive challenges
*accomplished- very good at something
3/24 Using username and password, answer 30 questions on on each of the following: TT3 (root words) and QQ2 (multiple meaning words)
3/26 Watch carefully the lessons on writing an informative essay on
On the left side scroll down and click on the lessons in "Plan writing...," "Group research into categories," "Write an Introduction..," "Draft...," "Organize...," and "Write a Conclusion..."Watch each lesson carefully more than once. If you need background information on the topic, click on the resources listed in the middle for reading passage on the topic, such as "Who is Pocahontas?"
***A homework packet with reading passages and short responses as well as extended responses (essays of 3 paragraphs) to be answered will be sent home so students can practice for the state test over the Easter break. Assignments were be graded and these grades will be included in their school average!
*PLEASE BRING IN $3.00 FOR FRIDAY'S PIZZA PARTY BY TOMORROW. Each student is to bring in their own small juice containers and ONE bag of Easter treats to share with the class on Fri.
3/24 Copy these definitions in ELA notebook following the definitions given last week:
*root - main part of a word
*regarded - thought of, considered
*evolve - to develop gradually
*integrity - honesty, sincerity
*resolution - determination
3/24 Using username and password, answer 30 questions on on each of the following: PP3 (root words) and MM 2 (multiple meaning words)
3/26 Watch carefully the lessons on writing an informative essay on
On the left side scroll down and click on the lessons in "Plan writing...," "Group research into categories," "Write an Introduction..," "Draft...," "Organize...," and "Write a Conclusion..."Watch each lesson carefully more than once. If you need background information on the topic, click on the resources listed in the middle for reading passages on the topic, such as "Who is Pocahontas?"
***A homework packet with reading passages and short responses as well as extended responses (essays of 2 paragraphs) to be answered will be sent home so students can practice for the state test over the Easter break. Assignments were be graded and these grades will be included in their school average!
3/24 Copy these definitions in ELA notebook following the definitions given last week:
*irregular- different, exception to the rule
*plural - more than one
*rural - country setting
*trust - able to believe or be believed
*tedious - tiring or boring
3/24 Using username and password, answer 30 questions on on each of the following: F1 and F 2 (irregular plural nouns)
3/26 ***A homework packet with reading passages and short responses as well as extended responses (essays of one paragraph) to be answered will be sent home so students can practice for final exams over the Easter break. Assignments were be graded and these grades will be included in their school average!