Friday, May 27, 2016

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th for May 30 to June 3

Dear Parents,
      Next Thursday, June 2nd ALL grades  will be taking their RELIGION FINAL EXAM, including second grade.  The third and fourth will take the Archdiocesan Exam and second will take a teacher-made exam. Scores on this exam  will appear on their report card and greatly affect their overall average in the subject. This past Thursday I reviewed responses to all quizzes and Unit 3 test and sent them home to be reviewed thoroughly.  In this way students will be familiar with the type of questions they might ask (such as Select ALL that apply and Part A/Part B).  All students should first consult the STUDY GUIDE  I posted weeks ago  (look for it under the pictures on my blog) and refer to review sheets stapled in their notebooks as well as review the vocabulary on the  website I listed and Unit 1 to 4  flash cards. On Thursday, after the Religion Exam, I will send home the ELA quizzs so students can prepare for that.
     Please remember to bring rosary beads on Tuesday for the May Procession at 10:00. Students who received First Communion this year should wear their communion clothes as they will lead the procession.  Please check back this weekend for any additional notices or homework. Thank you!

       Below is an additional study guide for SECOND GRADE RELIGION FINAL EXAM:
Review the definitions of the following vocabulary terms:  Advent, Lent, Nativity, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension, Annunciation, Pentecost, Blessed Trinity, Holy Family, divine, apostles, disciples, sin (original, venial, mortal), sacrament (Baptism, Reconcilation, Eucharist), examination of conscience, free will, conscience, Ten Commandments, Jesus' Two Great Commandments, confession, contrition, penance, absolution, Act of Contrition, Sign of the Cross, grace, vestments, Bible, faith, worship, parish, Church, pastor, bishop, pope, five Joyful Mysteries, five Sorrowful Mysteries.  Be sure you know each of the Ten Commandments and what each one means.  Be sure you can retell a parable of forgiveness correctly and explain the lesson it teaches.

Please see below if you wish to see this week's lesson plans.


