Friday, February 3, 2017
IMPORTANT Notices for 2nd, 3rd, 4th ! Please see BEFORE Feb. 6th
Dear Parents,
There will be an ELA quiz on Wed. next week for all classes.
In order for students to have a better understanding of the play Divided Loyalties which we are studying in class, I am asking that each students watch the following videos at home and come in ready to explain and discuss what they learned. This is also a type of research which is an important part of their work. Be sure to watch the videos I've selected, which are
Boston Massacre and practice of tar and feathering. Students should also review definitions in the notebook as well as Loyalist, Patriot, rebel, pledge loyalty(or take loyalty oath), support a cause, independence (liberty), staunch, produce (goods), unruly.
In order for students to have a better understanding of wolves to write both an informational essay and a narrative essay, students should study all the facts about wolves on the two sheets stapled in their notebooks.
In order for students to have a better understanding of early Asian civilization, every student has been assigned a different topic for their project. The name of every student and their project is listed below. The project will consist of five parts that must be completed within the next two weeks. This weekend students may begin to look up information on their topic. Students should google "children's information on _____" and go to reliable sources or get a book in the children' s library.
Please have students bring in some print outs of information they found on Monday because the writing must be done in class. Please see list below:
Alex- Steps for Making Silk Keanny- Invention of Writing
Victoria- The Magic Paint Brush (folktale) Mathias- Early Native American Civilization
Aiden - Chinese Writing Xavier - Hinduism
Bryan - The Tiger, the Brahman, and the Jackal ( folktale)
Dashley- Diwali Katie- The Great Wall of China
Eurydice- "The Blind Men and the Elephant" (poem)
Ariel - Buddhism Avery- Chinese New Year
Cesar- Confucius Ian - Islam Religion
Sophia- Egyptian Culture Matthew- Calligraphy
Tom - Judaism Ava- Reincarnation
Ambar- Hindu gods/goddesses Jayden-Yangtzee River
Camila - Himalayan Mountains Aaliyah- Indus and Ganges Rivers
Julie- Trickster Tales (see videos: lesson on trickster tales and more on trickster tales )