Dear Parents,
Since the office is going to be closed on Sunday and traveling is being restricted, I will be going in on Monday and during the week (if allowed) to pick up any assignments I have given last week that your children have completed in any of their workbooks. Just tear the pages and place them in a folder with your child's name and grade. Please remember that Math workbooks for Modules 5-6 are available in the office. All Reading assignments however can and will be done using the Pearson website. This includes the trade book for the lesson, the Readers' Writers' Journal pages, leveled readers for practice, and the Decodable books for the Vanilla group. If you log in to and enter your information, you will see that these have been assigned already. The leveled readers are: I Have a Dollar, At the Market, A Healthful Meal, Which Way Is Better, and Trading This for That. For next week, I will continue to list work that can be done in the workbooks you took home.
I am also sending you our class code for google classroom. You will need to go to and enter the username and password your child received on the sheet on the last day of school. Click on the + sign in the top upper right, enter the class code: szfcien and click on join. Once you do that your child's name will appear on my first grade class list and I will be able to send assignments that I can then see on-line. To see how this works you can watch the you tube video on google classroom explanation. I will be checking to see if names are showing up. If you have lost the sheet, I have a copy for each student. On Monday I can offer further directions if necessary. I will also give you further information on as it can be used as another on-line resource and each student has a username and password for this as well.
Please check the blog on Monday afternoon for any other updates or new decisions to be made at school regarding your child's instruction. Thank you for your patience and consideration in these difficult times. God bless you. Ms. Saville