Monday, March 23, 2020

Assignments for Week of March 23 to 27

Below is a list of assignments I have planned for the week of March 24 to 27.  Please work with me on a day to day basis from 8:30 to 1:45.  The Reader's Writer's Journal lessons will be assigned one day at a time so you can answer on the Pearson website.  The assignments for each day will be due by midnight so I can check them on the next day.  I cannot let them accumulate.  Let's all begin from here so there is less  confusion. Past work you turned in will be corrected.

Religion- Review Chapter 12 pp. 152, 154
Math- Lesson 13  pp. 61-62 make ten strategy HW pp. 63-64   
Readers’ Writers’ Journal – U3 A Lesson 11 pp. 179-181  Do on Pearson website. 
Grammar – Voyages p. 116 shades of meani
Review sight words: long, many, may, more, much   
Science- Watch video on The Earth and You

 Religion- Begin Chapter 21 pp. 238-239 Triduum 
  Math- Lesson 14 pp. 65-66 make ten strategies HW pp. 67-68 
  Readers’ Writers’ Journal – U3 A Lesson 12 pp. 182-183   Do on Pearson website.
  Phonics- pp. 139-140 short e in context 
  Grammar – Voyages p. 117 shades of meaning     
   Review sight words: nice, now, old, only, or         
 Science- Answer 2 or 3 questions based on the video: The Earth and You                                                                                                                                                   
  Religion- pp. 240 and 242 Triduum 
  Math- Lesson 15 pp. 69-70 sums to 40 HW pp. 71-72     
  Readers’ Writers’ Journal- U3 A Lesson 13 pp. 185-186   Do on Pearson website. 
Grammar- Voyages p. 118 adjectives 
  Phonics- pp, 141-142 short e assessment         
  Review sight words: other, over, people, put, rain     
 Social Studies:  Watch video on History Kids: Christopher Columbus 

 Religion: pp. 308-309 Easter   
 Math- Lesson 16 pp. 73-74 adding ones and tens HW pp. 75-76   
 Readers’ Writers’ Journal- U3 A Lesson 13 (con'd) pp. 187-189    Do on Pearson website. 
 Grammar- Voyages p. 119 adjectives
 Phonics- pp, 143 Review all short vowel sounds 
 Review sight words: right, should, some, than, thank 
 Social Studies:  Answer 2 or 3 questions based on the video:  History Kids: Christopher Columbus                                                                                     
                                                                                                                                                                    ****Please check on google classroom for your individual username and password for .   Check under the comments you made to me yesterday or before. 
Remember to log on to googleclassroom by 8:30 Tuesday morning so I can take attendance!